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John Ogonowski Farmer-to-Farmer Program in Moldova

Region:  Center

The Farmer-to-Farmer program mobilizes skilled volunteers to assist individual farmers and farmer cooperatives in agribusiness development grassroots initiatives. Approximately 35 volunteers, many of whom have over 20 years of farming and business experience in the U.S., participate every year. Volunteers work side by side with Moldovan farmers in assignments that help local farming communities with strategic marketing, development of farmer cooperatives, developing budgets and work plans, and train local trainers in financial management and record-keeping. The program works closely with the American Farm Bureau Federation and its women’s committee to strengthen the representation of women in agriculture and agribusiness.

USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer Surendra Dara (left) trains a member of farm and input supply company Agrodor Succes’s management team in improved strawberry harvest techniques.

Through the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Farmer-to-Farmer Program, Moldovan farms like Agrodor Succes LLC have benefited from on-site, tailored training from U.S. volunteers. This assistance has enabled Agrodor to expand its operations into strawberry production, bringing higher profits and new possibilities for the future.