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About The National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
What We Do
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National Geodetic Survey: In the News
The State Geodetic Advisor Program
Aeronautical Survey Program FAQ
National CORS FAQ
New Reference System Info & FAQ
Downloading NGS Software FAQ
History of the National Geodetic Survey
NGS Outreach
NGS Program Descriptions (PDF format)
Upcoming Events and Conferences
NGS Workshops
"Ask a Geodesist"
The State Geodetic Advisor Program
Get Data From NGS
PC Software
National CORS data
Cooperative CORS data
Shoreline Data
Aeronautical Data
Airport Obstruction Charts
Global Positioning System (GPS) Antenna Calibration
Aerial Photographs
Precise GPS Orbits Computed at the National Geodetic Survey
Submit Data to NGS
Send us a Recovery Form for a Geodetic Marker you found
Propose a Survey Project to contribute to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)
Submitting Data for Inclusion into NSRS
Our Products
Geoid Models
On-line Publications
The NGS "Blue Book"
Geodetic and Charting Publications booklet
Index of Publications Available Online
Aerial Photographs
PC Software
NGS Policy Statements
Our Services
The Online Positioning User Service (OPUS)
The NGS Geodetic Tool Kit
The State Geodetic Advisor Program
"Ask a Geodesist"
Global Positioning System (GPS) Antenna Calibration
Calibration Base Lines for EDMI
Field Operations Schedules
Federal Base Network (FBN) Surveys
NGS Workshops
Our Projects
Height Modernization
New Reference System
Census 2000 Center Of Population Project
Central America Survey
Federal Base Network Surveys
Wetlands Restoration
SWaPS Underwater Monitoring Device
Washington Monument Survey
NGS Divisions' Web Pages
Geosciences Research Division
Remote Sensing Division
Aeronautical Survey Program
Contacts & Help
The Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee (FGCS)
Contracting Opportunities with NGS
Upcoming Events and Conferences
Geodetic Resources (offsite)
Suggestion Box

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Publication of the National Geodetic Survey (NGS),
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Date Last Updated: April 15, 2011