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Reliability Program and NERC Standards

On June 18, 2007, the U.S. electric industry began operating under the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's (NERC's) mandatory, enforceable reliability standards. Utilities and other bulk power industry participants now face sanctions for violating any of the more than 114, plus the Western Electricity Coordinating Council standards - up to $1 million per day, per violation.

BPA has established a comprehensive reliability program and is actively engaging customers and customer representatives through implementation of mandatory standards. BPA is providing this site to share information and collaborate as we work to enhance the reliability of the Northwest electric system together.

Please subscribe to our communications mailing list and stay current with the latest issue of Reliability Matters, a Transmission Reliability Program Quarterly Update, as well as other BPA Reliability announcements and events.

Important Announcement: Starting in November - access the new NERC Compliance page on the BPA Customer Portal.

Key Efforts

  • Took unified approach to all reliability related activities, coordinating between operations and governance
  • The Reliability Council is an Executive forum for collaborative planning and decision making for all reliability issues
  • Close customer coordination to ensure consistent application of standards within BPA's balancing authority