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FinCEN Mortgage Fraud SAR Datasets

In support of the Administration’s Open Government Initiative, FinCEN is pleased to provide the following expanded datasets on mortgage fraud hotspots, based on Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) data. FinCEN shares the Administration’s commitment to establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration and recognizes that openness will promote efficiency and effectiveness in government. By releasing mortgage fraud SAR data on hundreds of geographies, FinCEN aims to empower the diverse talents of a wide range of groups engaged in detecting, preventing, and remedying mortgage fraud.

Aggravating the larger financial crisis, rampant mortgage fraud in the mid-2000s devastated communities and caused billions of dollars in losses for homeowners, taxpayers and lenders. To hold accountable those who helped bring about the crisis, and to prevent another from happening, President Obama established the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force (FFETF) in November 2009. The task force is improving efforts across the government and with state and local partners to investigate and prosecute significant financial crimes, ensure just and effective punishment for those who perpetrate financial crimes, recover proceeds for victims and address financial discrimination in the lending and financial markets. The Executive Order establishing the FFETF recognizes that enforcement and regulatory agencies cannot address the problem without coordination and participation of lenders, community groups and others.


The following links provide expanded data with geographic breakdowns of subjects identified in SAR filings on suspected mortgage fraud. Files contain metadata expanding on the derivation, use, and limitations of FinCEN Mortgage Fraud SAR data. Excel files provide mortgage fraud SAR data from filings received by FinCEN from 2006 to the most recent data.

State data: FinCEN State Mortgage Fraud Suspicious Activity Excel

Urban areas data: FinCEN CBSA-MSA Mortgage Fraud Suspicious Activity Excel

County data: FinCEN County Mortgage Fraud Suspicious Activity Excel

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