RTO-TR-SCI-164 - Multi-sensor Fusion to Improve SHORAD Weapon System Performance against Stressing Targets

Fusion multi-capteur pour l’amélioration des performances des systèmes d’armes SHORAD contre les cibles contraignantes

RTO-TR-SCI-164 AC/323(SCI-164)TP/444
NATO Science and Technology Organization
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This Technical Report documents the findings of the SCI-164 Task Group.
December 2012
xiv + 130 (excludes supporting material where applicable)
This document is distributed in accordance with NATO Security Regulations and RTO policies.
Air defence ; Composite tracking ; Data fusion ; Ground-based air defence ; Reporting Responsibility (R2) ; Sensor fusion ; Short Range Air Defence (SHORAD) ; Track fusion
This report presents the results derived from the third phase of a study that has assessed potential benefits of using multiple sensors, as opposed to a single sensor, for applications such as targeting and surveillance in the context of future SHORAD systems.

The emphasis of this third phase has been to investigate the benefits of sensor data fusion to SHORAD at a system level through high fidelity simulations. It explored the benefits of mixes of passive and active sensors, in order to increase the quality of local air picture and hence the performance of the weapon systems. In particular, the relative effectiveness of alternative data fusion approaches, Composite Tracking (CT), Interactive Multiple Model (IMM) and Reporting Responsibility (R2) has been investigated.

For the analysis a high fidelity simulation chain was devised with simulations of a radar, an infra red sensor, several sensor fusion techniques, weapon assignment algorithms and two types of fire and forget SHORAD missile with mid course update capability.

It has been shown through analysis that multi-sensor fusion algorithms provide higher fidelity track measurement data when compared to R2. This is particularly true for the more stressing targets used in this study.


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