Installation Passes

Information on Installation Passes

These step-by-step procedures vary depending on the situation or category of the visitor. Visitor pass categories are as follows:


Extended Escorted Visitor Pass (up to 72 hours)

  • Information for visiting family members/friends arriving USAG Red Cloud or USAG-Casey outside normal business hours (weekends, extended holidays, training holidays).

Installation Access for Designated Country Personnel (DCP)

  • Designated Countries are those of counterintelligence concern to USFK in that they may have policies or engage in activities contrary to the interests of the United States. In order to address potential security problems resulting from uncontrolled/unmonitored access to our installation by citizens of designated countries, the access control policy for DCP’s is enforced as follows:

Installation Access for Individual not registered in DBIDS

  • Requirements for newcomers to gain initial access to the installation

One Day Escorted Visitor’s Pass

  • Active Duty Military, DOD civilian employees or DOD contractors (SOFA Status personnel) assigned to USFK installations and properly registered in DBIDS may escort visitors onto the installation. Sponsors residing on the installation may request an Extended Visitor’s Pass (Please reference Extended Escorted Visitor Pass for Visiting Family Members/Friends).

Short Term Visitor Pass

  • Visiting family members and friends of Active Duty Military, DOD civilian employees or DOD contractors (SOFA Status personnel) assigned to USFK installations may receive an installation pass valid for up to 60 consecutive days or up to the date their ROK immigration visa expires (not to exceed 60 days). Sponsors residing on the installation may use an Extended Visitor’s Pass (Please reference Extended Escorted Visitor Pass for Visiting Family Members/Friends).

NOTE:  The following provisions apply to all visiting personnel:

Escorted visitors must be signed onto the installation by an individual (sponsor) who is properly registered in DBIDS and is authorized escort privileges.  

Visitors must be processed onto the installation at an authorized Access Control Point (Casey Gate#1, #2, #3 and Post 50; Red Cloud Gate#7 and #4; Stanley Gate #1, #2 and 3; Camp Jackson Gate#1; Camp Hovey Gate#3; Camp Mobile Gate#1; Camp Castle Gate#1; Camp Castle North gate#1; Warrior Base Gate#1) and be escorted at all times while on the installation.       

Regardless of the duration an escorted visitor’s pass is valid for (24hr or 72hr); the escort (sponsor) must either re-register or de-register their visitor from DBIDS at the ACP where they initially processed the visitor pass prior to its expiration.  Once the visitor pass is issued, the escorts and their visitors can not depart the installation and try to re-enter utilizing the same visitor’s pass. .     

Non-Korean Nationals must present a valid passport and have a second form of picture ID upon registration as a visitor for access to USFK installations.   

The Garrison Commander may take action in cases where visitors are left uncontrolled/escorted by their sponsor and/or departs the installation without de-registering the visitor.  At a minimum, the sponsor who signed the visitor onto the installation may lose his/her escort privileges for not less than 30 days.

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Date created: 11/18/2010 9:39:08 AM
Date last updated: 2/13/2013 5:38:29 PM