Integrated Corridor Management
ICM Knowledgebase

Welcome to the U.S. DOT's Integrated Corridor Management Knowledgebase. The ICM Knowledgebase is intended to be a highly-useable, reliable 'one-stop' searchable online reference that provides transportation professionals the tools, strategies, sample documents and knowledge they need to successfully implement ICM in their corridors. Its multiple search and browse options are designed to help you conveniently find the information you need today.

Click here for more about how the ICM Knowledgebase can help you!

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    Enter the keyword search term of your choice. The search engine will deliver all ICM Knowledgebase documents that meet your search criteria

Browse Knowledgebase :

  • Conference/Event
    Saw an interesting presentation at a conference but can’t remember the name of it? Search ICM Knowledgebase materials by ICM Conference:

  • Resource Type
    View all of the documents in the ICM Knowledgebase categorized by type of resource (guidance, sample document or template, presentation, lessons-learned, etc.)
  • ICM Lifecycle Step or Phase of Systems Engineering Process
    View all of the documents in the ICM Knowledgebase categorized by ICM lifecycle step or phase of the systems engineering process.
  • View All
    View all of the documents in the ICM Knowledgebase and sort either by document title or the date on which they were posted/updated

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