OPUS: Online Positioning User Service

   OPUS-Projects workshop: July 11-12, 2011, San Diego, California      Now OPUS can integrate data from multiple stations over multiple days! To manage this BETA-test-option for network processing, adjustment, and publishing, you must complete our OPUS-Projects workshop.

Upload your data file.

Tie your GPS observation to the National Spatial Reference System.
What is OPUS?     FAQs

* Email address - your solution will be sent here.

* Data file of dual-frequency GPS observations. sample

Antenna type - choosing wrong may degrade your accuracy.

meters above your mark.
Antenna height of your antenna's reference point.

to customize your solution.

Solution formats Add details to your report
Base stations Type in 4-char site IDs, or select from map, any CORS you wish to explicitly include or exclude from your solution
Use:          Exclude:
  Look up site IDs
CORS map
browse map
State plane coordinates
Overrule your native SPCS zone
Geoid Model Customize your orthometric height model
Contribute to a project Enter the project identifier provided by your project manager.
My profile Customize OPUS defaults for future solutions
Publish my solution Share your solutions

for data > 15 min. < 2 hrs. for data > 2 hrs. < 48 hrs.

* required fields
We may use your data for internal evaluations of OPUS use, accuracy, or related research.

Sampling Rate
(clickable legend icons)
Non-Operational   Non-Operational Sites
Decommissioned sites   Decomissioned Sites
1 second rate sites   1 sec
5 second rate sites   5 sec
10 second rate sites   10 sec
15 second rate sites   15 sec
30 second rate sites   30 sec
All sites   All Active
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Cursor Lat/Lon :
43.83453 , -53.94726