Counter-Trafficking in Persons


USAID helps trafficking victims learn new skills.

Cambodia is a source, transit and destination country for trafficked persons. Women and girls are trafficked internally for commercial exploitation. Men who migrate outside of Cambodia for work are sometimes subjected to forced labor, and some women and girls are trafficked abroad for prostitution or domestic work. Children, the disabled and the elderly are trafficked to beg or work on the streets of neighboring countries.

USAID has worked to improve collaboration between the government and civil society by working closely with the government to establish a National Committee to Lead the Suppression of Human Trafficking, Smuggling, Labor and Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children (NC), which coordinates anti-trafficking efforts throughout the country. USAID’s activities are targeted through the NC Secretariat and work in the areas of coordination, prevention, protection and prosecution. USAID’s counter-trafficking program is improving coordination and collection of data between anti-trafficking actors; enhancing victim care through development and implementation of national standards; and improving access to justice for victims of trafficking.

• Supported a new, electronic trafficking database that enables the Ministry of Justice to track all cases – from arrest through prosecution, conviction or acquittal. The database is a critical tool for data collection, analysis and reporting under the Law on the Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation.

• Worked with the Ministry of Social Affairs to create National Minimum Standards for the Protection and Rights of Victims of Human Trafficking. These new standards play a key role in ensuring Cambodian government compliance with protecting the rights of victims without discrimination.

• Funded the film Saving Seca, which highlights best practices in conducting raids and rescues at brothels and has led to the development of policy on raids and rescues that reflect best practices highlighted in the film. The new raid and rescue policy applies to all police and is a key element to ensuring Cambodian government compliance with the trafficking in persons law.

• Provided scholarships to 180 at-risk children and trained 100 youth in hospitality skills.