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January 14, 2011


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The SMART steering wheel is such a great idea I'm surprised the car makers never thought of it. The high school kids seem to know more and care more about the distracted driving issue than do entire auto company engineering departments. The SMART wheel looks like its an idea that works. It is a giant step in the right direction. Now we have to get automotive manufacturers to install SMART wheels or something like them in all trucks, buses, and SUVs and cars that go on the road in this country. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

Those are some very bright kids with a ton of creativity and imagination. The kids hit it right on the money as some car manufacturers actually have started to implement software which automatically detects driver drowsiness or swerving in the road.

I think drivers today are way too easily distracted; playing with the radio, applying makeup while driving and texting. People need to remember that a vehicle has the potential to fatally injure another being. All it takes is one slip of the steering wheel to have your life (or someone else's) changed forever.

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