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January 04, 2011


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in Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky


How many were killed by drunk drivers & in truck related accidents?

I would have to believe reducing deadhead miles in freight transportation would help significantly reduce death, & injury in truck related acccidents if the fHWA site is any measure.

We had 29 million deadhead miles in freight transportation in 2002, 20% of total 145,173 million. If you look at http://www.b4dcfreight.com links you will see we spend $200 billion a year due to traffic congestion.

Look at the FHWA site
http://www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/freight_analysis/nat_freight_stats/docs/07factsfigures/table3_5.htm & you will see freight transportation is projected to increase substantially the next 20 to 25 years.

Compare: http://www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/freight_analysis/nat_freight_stats/docs/07factsfigures/fig3_4.htm

To: http://www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/freight_analysis/nat_freight_stats/docs/07factsfigures/fig3_5.htm

Congress is just passed food safety onto to President Obama, is looking at energy indepenedence, traffic congestion, emissions, infrastructure costs, cargo theft, accidents, injury, death, & I'm sure CSA2010 is in place due to health care costs because of accidents.

I find it odd I contact President Obama, Ray LaHood, every Gov of eveyr state, & government agency with an idea to reduce deadhead miles in freight transportation, & they ignore me?

How or why our representatives ignore an idea that could save so many lives & money through the reduction of freight miles projected to increase substantially whie promoting eneregy independence, EPA all about 60 MPG cars by 2025, & 10 MPG trucks is a mystery?

Other sites back up everything I suggest, http://forecasts.org/ http://www.ucsusa.org/ http://www.eesi.org/energy-innovation-our-nations-defense-29-jul-2010 http://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/fact-sheet/roads

Infrastructure a matter of economic and national security I hurt the feelings of Ray and the DOT so they refuse to allow me to post the truth? Like WIKIleaks I guess the truth is something US government cannot have made public?

These are not my facts & stats, they are by teh FHWA and nonprofit organizations which at times are used by Congress.

The DOT, Ray, & president Obama my be able to block me for the DOT Fastlane site but does that serve the country?

Distracted driving is very common nowadays. I seen so many people are actually making phone calls, texting message or simply not paying attention while driving. This is very tough to avoid if we is not self discipline enough.

I was just looking at the list of bills in the 2011 California Legislature hopper and our legislature has a bill that will tighten requirements on electronic devices in vehicles. If it passes and is signed into law, it will probably go into effect in January 2012. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

With Delaware becoming a Hand Free state, the total number of vehicles in the U.S. and Canad effected by the "Hand Free Laws" is up to ~ 90 Millions. Yet, the VC and Angel investors fund is still zero for serious solutions and NHTSA/DOT had only one SBIR that was not widely poblicized.

We need investment in the field. For those interested, please check out http://iQ-Telematics.com.

Best regards.

Yes, there is significant progress to be cited with the addition of these three states. Now on to Florida and the other resistant states.

There remains, however, a great deal of legislative work to be done in the area of handheld cell phones. While legislators are generally OK with taking on teens/texters, many others refuse to touch the cell phone issues, which would impact a much greater constituency.

Distracting driving is responsible for all these terrible accidents..Also the mixture of drinking and driving,too leads to disaster...Teens are also fond of rah driving which creates problems to other on the road and results in accident..

Working from home running a Facebook Fans site, I have the ability to travel through school zone twice a day, five days a week. I cant even tell you all the stuff I see , just in the school zones. Please lets pay attention and not forget that school kids do not always do the same!

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