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January 03, 2011


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improve safety near transmission pipelines


Apologies for being way off-topic: I mis-read the headline to refer to (high-voltage electric)transmission lines instead of pipelines. Of course, that would have been under the Dept. of Energy (DOE). However, my initial mis-read brought to mind this question:
Is anyone studying for the possibility of coordination between DOE's "smart grid" development and DOT's development planning of a continental high speed rail network?
While I am nothing remotely close to being an electric transmission engineer, having traveled extensively in Europe, it is quite obvious to me that the two networks (rail and general electricity transmission) are closely coordinated...

Happy New Year, and again, my apologies for being so far off-subject...

I'm glad to see these guidelines put into place. They are much overdue!

This is a very critical issue area for the pipelines and the public. Information has come out today on the September 9 pipeline explosion and fire in San Bruno that PG&E, who owned the line, did not keep good records on the construction of the pipeline and that the pressure had been set for seamless pipe. But part of the line was seamless pipe, part was outside weld pipe and part was inside and outside welded pipe. The pressure that seamless pipe can take is more than welded pipe can. So record keeping improvements by the pipeline operators are also necessary. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

Another important concern to worry about when planting trees, avoid planting trees directly over utility lines. In time, it will cost to trim trees if not properly addressed.

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