Horse Guards

New Hampshire Governor's Horse Guards


"Pro Duce et Republica"

The Governor's Horse Guards are a mounted ceremonial unit of the New Hampshire Army National Guard.

MAJ Richard Lynch, Commanding


On September 28, 1999, Governor Jeanne Shaheen directed in accordance with NH RSA 110:B:17 that a cavalry organization be formed and operate as a ceremonial unit of the New Hampshire National Guard to be known as the Governor’s Horse Guards.

Major General John E. Blair, Adjutant General of the State of New Hampshire inspected the members of the newly formed unit at a January 12, 2000 ceremony conducted at the State Armory in Concord. A Proclamation signed by Governor Shaheen officially recognizing January 12, 2000 as Governor’s Horse Guards Day was read by Lt. Col. David Holtgrieve, Assistant Chief of Staff. After being sworn-in, the Governor’s Horse Guards were presented with New Hampshire Army National Guard Regulation GHG-1 and Special Order 2000-001.

On March 26th, 2000 the unit made their first appearance at the Saint Patrick’s Parade in Manchester, NH.  The Honorable Governor, Jeanne Shaheen inspected the unit accompanied by U.S. Senator Dodd of Connecticut.


Click here to download a detailed history of the New Hampshire Governor's Horse Guards.

Quick Contact Info

General Information: (603) 228-1135

ID Cards - Army:
  Concord: (603) 225-1326
  Littleton: (603) 715-3452

ID Cards - Air: (603) 430-3514

Public Affairs: (603) 225-1340

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