Welcome to the ARL Specialty Electronics Materials and Sensors Cleanroom (SEMASC) Facility:

ARL Specialty Electronic Materials and Sensors Cleanroom Facility

ARL's Specialty Electronic Materials and Sensors Cleanroom (SEMASC) facility supports the mission of the ARL Sensors and Electron Devices Directorate (SEDD) by maintaining state of the art micro- and nano-fabrication capabilities compatible with a wide variety of device materials. The cleanroom consists of 10,000 Gross square feet (GSF) Class 100, and 5,000 GSF Class 10 space which contains a comprehensive fabrication toolset for enabling turn-key micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS), electro-optic and nanotechnology prototyping and research. Extensive materials support is achieved by supporting duplicate platforms for key processes, as well as acquiring tools capable of broad process parameter spaces. The facility features a complete toolset for innovative materials processing including the full spectra of lithography, metal, semiconductor and dielectric deposition, wet and dry etching, thermal processing, wafer bonding and metrology capabilities. Current research areas of the SEMASC facility include MEMS sensors and actuators, advanced Radio Frequency (RF) devices, wide bandgap electronics, MEMS power, nano devices, electro-optic and photonic devices, detector materials and devices.


  • Technology development for tomorrow's military systems
  • Facility for innovative materials, devices, and high risk processing techniques
  • Central facility with research in nanoscience, MEMS, electronics, power generation, and opto-electronics
  • Stimulate collaboration and foster MEMS and Nanotechnology development with industry and academia
  • Accessible by ARL staff, partners, other government agencies, and U.S. based technology developers

SEDD Visitor Information:

Adelphi Laboratory Center, MD


Last Update / Reviewed: February 11, 2011