USDA NRCS State Office   -   Wisconsin

For immediate release   June 7, 2007
Contacts:  Renae Anderson, USDA NRCS 608-662-4422 x 227 or
For RRC monitoring either Jerry Matzelle 920-648-3380 or or Ed Grunden RRC Monitoring Director 920-253-9673 or

Zeloski Marsh Dedication and Celebration

Restoration of the 1,500 acre Zeloski Marsh is now complete, and the marsh is open to the public.

A new gem for public recreation, the Zeloski Marsh, will be dedicated on Thursday, June 14, starting at 10:00, followed by lunch and tours of the 1,500 acre restored wetland. The celebration will recognize the joint efforts that allowed this wetland jewel to be restored and opened for public recreation and hunting. The Glacial Drumlin Bicycle Trail crosses through the marsh, offering cyclists unique wildlife viewing.

This collaborative effort of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Madison Audubon Society began a number of years ago with the dream of turning 1,500 acres of marginal farmland into an area rich in diversity through the development of a complex of wetlands, prairies, an oak opening, tamarack woods and a remnant bog. Specifically, during the past 18 months, 286 acres were planted to prairie, 270 acres of sedge meadow were developed along with 112 acres of emergent wetland habitat and 64 acres of shorebird habitat.

This restoration forms the core of the Lake Mills Wildlife Area, now owned and operated by the Wisconsin DNR. Grants from the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program allowed Madison Audubon Society to purchase the property and also assisted in the restoration efforts. During the dedication the DNR will also announce the names of the new Management Units, named in honor of local conservationists.

The Rock River Coalition (RRC) has been utilizing volunteers to monitor the property starting when it was still being farmed, through the restoration and will continue into the future to document the return of wildlife and plants. The RRC continues to look for volunteers to monitor birds, dragonflies, damselflies, butterflies, frogs and toads, water quality, plants and mammals. If interested in the monitoring effort, contact Jerry at 920-648-3380 or at

The Dedication will start at the London Road parking area, north of Cambridge and west of Lake Mills, just west of Cty A at 10:00. Look for signs. Please RSVP to Judy Pulvermacher, 608-662-4422 x 241 or if interested in attending.
