United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Wisconsin NRCS News

Media & Public Affairs Contact:   Renae Anderson, Public Affairs Specialist
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
8030 Excelsior Drive, Suite 200
Madison, Wisconsin 53717

Telephone: (608) 662-4422 ext 227
Email: renae.anderson@wi.usda.gov

NEWS RELEASE January 5, 2010
For more on EQIP http://www.wi.nrcs.usda.gov under Programs

Sign-up Jan. 19-Feb. 19, 2010 New Funds Available

USDA Offers Conservation Opportunities for Farm and Wildlife Lands

Madison, Wis…… The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has announced that the Wisconsin sign-up for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) will be open until Feb 19 for 2010 funding. Sign-up for the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) will be open until that time as well.

Pat Leavenworth, State Conservationist for NRCS in Wisconsin, said that EQIP is the primary program available to farmers for farmland conservation practices, offering flat-rate payments for over 70 conservation practices. WHIP offers costsharing to restore wildlife habitat for targeted species.

“EQIP was established to help all types of farmers - livestock and dairy, grazing, or cash crop, including specialty crops and organic,” said Leavenworth. "EQIP also offers additional assistance for beginning, socially disadvantaged and limited resource farmers."

All eligible applications received by Feb. 19, 2010, will be evaluated and ranked for funding. Farmers can sign up at the NRCS office in USDA Service Centers statewide. NRCS anticipates nearly $14.6 million in funds for Wisconsin.

Sign-up for Wildlife Habitat

The Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program provides technical assistance and cost-sharing to restore wildlife habitat. Depending on the site, streams, prairies and oak savannahs and other types of habitat, including habitat for pollinators, may qualify to be restored. Contact the NRCS office for details.

For more information, visit www.wi.nrcs.usda.gov, or contact the NRCS office at the USDA Service Center serving your county.



Sidebar Story


New this year - Seasonal High Tunnels

For the first time this year, financial assistance will be offered for high tunnels, or hoop houses, usually used to extend the growing season for fresh market vegetable producers. This practice is part of a pilot project to see if high tunnels are effective in reducing pesticide use, keeping vital nutrients in the soil, extending the growing season, increasing yields, and providing other benefits to growers.


To receive cost sharing through EQIP you must have an active interest in agricultural crop production at the time you apply for the program, with a minimum of $1,000 in documented annual agricultural production.

The land must be agricultural land, and you must own or have control of the land for the length of the contract (two years).

Seasonal High Tunnel (Hoop House) Practice Requirements

The practice is intended to extend the growing season early and late in the growing year.

The size of the high tunnel funded by EQIP is limited to 2178 sq. ft. Payment rate is $1.86/sq. ft.

The practice must be sited on existing cropland that has an active crop production history.

The crops grown within the high tunnel must be planted directly into the soil covered by the house. The use of pots, growing racks or hydroponics is not eligible.

The basis for developing the cost sharing for the high tunnel assumes that the structure will be removed at the end of the growing season to prevent damage by snow. More substantial hoops and heavier plastic may be utilized by the operator to reduce the risk of snow damage for structures that are left in place year round but the additional costs for these materials is not covered in EQIP.

To get started, contact NRCS at the USDA Service Center for your county. Applicants will need to establish eligibility as a producer with the USDA Farm Service Agency before applying.


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