
Trade Union Development

Title: Trade Union Development

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Competitiveness
Start Date: 1991

Partners in Local Economic Development and Government Effectiveness (PLEDGE)

Title: Partners in Local Economic Development and Government Effectiveness (PLEDGE)

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 1998

Enterprise Growth and Investment Project

Title: Enterprise Growth and Investment Project

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Business Environment

Start Date: 2000

Objective: A project to work with the government of Bulgaria, business associations and other private sector stakeholders to create an enabling environment for trade, investment and private sector economic development.

Key Implementing Partner: MSI

End Date: 2005

Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED)

Title: Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED)

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Entrepreneurship

Start Date: 2005

Objective: The CEED is to energize and empower entrepreneurs and to help them grow their businesses. Hold "Workshops for Entrepreneurs," including one involving business consultants teaching Junior Achievement Bulgaria economics classes for 9th and 10th graders in vocational schools.

Key Implementing Partner: SEAF

End Date: Continuous

Bulgaria Pension and Labor Market Reform Project

Title: Bulgaria Pension and Labor Market Reform Project

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Institutional Strengthening
Start Date: 2001

Bulgaria Financial Sector Integrity Project

Title: Bulgaria Financial Sector Integrity Project

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Business Environment
Start Date: 2004

Objective: To advance: 1) accelerated economic growth and restructuring; 2) a modernized financial system; 3) a stronger civil society; 4) an improved judicial system; and 5) a strengthened local government.

Key Implementing Partner: Emerging Markets Group

End Date: 2007

Authentic Bulgaria

Title: Authentic Bulgaria

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Other
Start Date: 2007

Objective: Provides a Quality Mark for places to stay which aid travelers in finding locations suited to their needs and assists hoteliers in raising their quality and standards.

Key Implementing Partner: Authentic Bulgaria

End Date: continuous

Assessment of the Bulgarian Enterprise Growth and Investment Project (EGIP)

Document Type: 
February 22, 2005

USAID/Bulgaria requested that the assessment not only review strengths, weaknesses and lessons learned from EGIP, but to make recommendations for follow-on activities that could take place over the next 18 months, prior to the close-down of the Mission.

Bulgaria Assessment

Map of Bulgaria
This information comes from the assessment conducted in country for the Bulgaria report, which was published in March 2002. The Bulgarian insolvency legislation bends over backward to include every possible opportunity for creditor participation. However, this attempt at ultimate fairness undermines the system’s effectiveness, generating lengthy, unnecessary litigation, numerous delays due to excessive exercise of appeal rights, and inconsistent legal standards for major issues such as valuation.

The Bulgaria ICT Cluster

Attached Document: 
Document Type: 
June 5, 2008

The following case study examines the development of the Bulgarian ICT cluster and reports on its activities today, three years after graduating from direct donor-funded support, and how it had some impact on the success of the Bulgarian IT sector.

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