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U.S. - South Korea (ROK)

Secretary Clinton, U.S.- Korea Free Trade Agreement Takes Effect

March 15, 2012
Secretary of State Hilllary R. Clinton

Secretary of State Hilllary R. Clinton

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
March 15, 2012

Today, the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) enters into force, marking an historic milestone that will lead to even more trade and investment between our two countries. KORUS will provide new market access opportunities in Korea’s dynamic trillion dollar economy for U.S. exporters, creating jobs here at home while increasing opportunities for Korean companies in the United States. This agreement is another example of this Administration's commitment to deepening our economic engagement throughout the world.

Not only will the agreement provide a significant economic boost to both of our economies, it will strengthen the U.S. partnership with a key ally in a strategically important region. This is a powerful signal of America's commitment to the Asia Pacific and to securing and sustaining our role as a regional leader and Pacific power. I want to thank President Lee for his leadership on this issue and look forward to both countries fully realizing the promise of this landmark agreement.