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Office of

Program Administration

and Policy

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The Office of Program Administration and Policy Development provides managerial, technical and administrative support to the Director of Research in the planning and direction of research and development programs in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. Specific functions include:

  • performing special studies involving major NRL programs and resource issues;
  • providing administrative support in the areas of personnel, budget, facilities, equipment, and security;
  • reviewing and managing the Director of Research's correspondence;
  • providing management information and analysis for various aspects of the research program effort;
  • coordinating VIP and foreign visits to NRL;
  • managing NRL facilities;
  • managing the NRL Directives System;
  • coordinating unsolicited proposals, congressional correspondence, and other external inquiries;
  • maintaining the NRL Research and Development achievements file;
  • reviewing and interpreting external Navy and Department of Defense directives addressed to NRL;
  • coordinating the Independent Research and Development program;
  • developing guidance for and monitoring the 6.1 (basic research) Program and 6.2 (exploratory development) Program;
  • coordinating the NRL-National Research Council (NRC) and Office of Naval Research (ONR) Postdoctoral Resident Research Associateship Programs, NRL-U.S. Naval Academy Faculty Co-op Program, Navy American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Program, and other special Navy programs;
  • interacting with Office of Naval Research (ONR) Headquarters and the Research and Development Centers;
  • assisting in the development of NRL's five-year Plan.




US Naval Research Lab
4555 Overlook Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20375
Department of the Navy --- Office of Naval Research --- Navy Recruiting -- FOIA
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