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  Energetic Interactions Section    

Applications of x-rays to chemical and structural analysis have been a focus of the Section's research activities. Efforts in environmental and machinery condition monitoring using x-rays have led to advances in miniaturized remotely operable monitoring systems and concepts. Structural dynamics are monitored by diffraction carried out at the National Synchrotron Light Source or at major laser plasma x-ray sources, over time scales from picoseconds to hours. The Section also has a collaborative thrust in the fielding of distributed autonomous sensor systems by unmanned vehicles.

The section also has broad interests in the development of advanced radiation detection devices and systems and the application of these to the characterization of environmental radiation, nuclear wastes, treaty verification and non-proliferation issues, nuclear radiation monitoring and other problems in radiation detection. The section has extensive field experience in conducting both on-site measurements and in environmental sampling for later laboratory analysis.

The section has developed a transportable gamma-ray analysis facility and a mobile chemical laboratory which are being used on-site for an environmental assessment and characterization of hazardous waste sites at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. The transportable gamma-ray analysis facility was used previously for on-site analysis of radionuclide contamination from nuclear weapons production facilities in Siberia as part of the ONR ANWAP program for investigating Soviet nuclear waste releases into the Arctic environment. An underwater gamma-ray monitor was developed as part of this program for monitoring environmental releases in the Arctic seas. Additionally, the section has the capability for acquiring environmental samples and performing low-level gamma-ray analysis in our laboratory at NRL.

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