How to Use the Catalog

The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System, IOOS Catalog allows users to find data for the location and time period of interest, from all available IOOS partners without having to know in advance what partners operate the actual observing systems and data servers. IOOS partners can include NOAA and other federal agencies, the IOOS Regional Associations, and potentially other national or international organizations.

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Data Catalog Basics

The Catalog includes a map showing locations of available data, and options for controlling what is shown on the map. 
The initial view of the Catalog shows dots where there are measurements at individual locations (in situ stations) and boxes around areas where gridded datasets (from satellites or coastal radars) are available.

Click on a dot or a box outline to display a balloon pop-up that shows basic information about that data source, including the organization operating the data server, the location of the measurements, and the time period (in UTC - Greenwich Time) for which data are available, and recent data values for in situ stations. The balloon also provides links to obtain more data or descriptive information (metadata) about the data source.

Check the box labeled "Cluster platforms" to replace individual dots with colored markers that show the number of stations in that area. As you zoom in the clusters will be subdivided into smaller clusters and then individual stations.

Search by Time

Use the time and date controls if you are only interested in data from a particular period of time.

Search by Variable

Use the Properties menu to only show sources of data for specific observed properties (Water Temperature, Salinity, etc).

Search by Area

To show available data in an area of interest, zoom the map to that area.
You can also use the Regions menu to display only the stations within one of these named regions (more regions coming soon). Named regions are shown as yellow rectangles or polygons.

In addition, you can choose to display only the stations that are within the rectangle of a gridded dataset as follows:

Search by Organization

Use the Servers and Data Providers menus if you only want data from particular organizations.

Search by Product

Sometimes there are several different products available in the same rectangle. For example, the surface currents measured by coastal high-frequency radars (HFR) are available at 1km, 2km and 6km spatial resolution. The Products menu lets you choose among these specific options. 






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