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Mark V Special Operations Craft

The Mark V is used to carry Special Operations Forces (SOF), primarily SEAL combat swimmers, into and out of operations where the threat to these forces is considered to be low to medium. They also support limited coastal patrol and interruption of enemy activities.
The MARK V Special Operations Craft (SOC) is the newest, versatile, high performance combatant craft introduced into the Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Special Boat Squadron (SBR) inventory to improve maritime special operations capabilities.

MARK Vs are organized into detachments comprised of two boats, crews and a deployment support package mounted on cargo transporters. The detachment can be delivered in-theater rapidly by two C-5 aircraft, by a well or flight deck equipped surface ships and, if appropriate, under their own power. The detachment can be deployable within 48 hours of notification and ready for operations within 24 hours of arrival at a forward operating base. They can operate from shore facilities, from well-deck equipped ships or from ships with appropriate crane and deck space capabilities.

The MARK Vs are a result of a streamlined acquisition effort managed by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Special Operations Acquisition Executive (SOAE). From the awarding of the contract to actual possession of the first boat took only 18 months.
General Characteristics
Length: 82 feet.
Beam: 17 feet 6 inches.
Displacement: 57 tons.
Speed: 50 knots.
Last Update: 23 February 2009