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Suicide Prevention

Commander's Toolkit

Reach Out

Suicide prevention, like all leadership challenges, is a Commander’s program and every leader’s responsibility at all levels. The success of the Army Suicide Prevention Program rests upon proactive, caring and courageous people who recognize the imminent danger and then take immediate action to save a life. Active engagement of everyone can help to minimize the risk of suicide within the Army to stop this tragic and unnecessary loss of human life. Suicide prevention is everybody’s business in The Army.

The Commanders Tool Kit is designed to assist Leaders at all levels as they implement their Suicide Prevention Program. This Took Kit was developed so that leaders can incorporate these resources into existing training or create new training. However, this Tool Kit is not meant for leaders only, all Soldiers are encouraged to use the materials.

Army Suicide Prevention Tool Kit Resources

  1. ALARACT 043-2012 - Commander's Suspected Suicide Event Report - PDF
  2. ALARACT 043-2012 (ATTACHMENT) - Commander's Suspected Suicide Event Report - PDF
  3. Army Campaign Plan for Health Promotion, Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention (ACPHP) Compliance Checklist - PDF
  4. The Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention Report - PDF - 10MB is now available for download.
  5. Suicide Prevention Training Aids List, US Army Public Health Command - PDF
  6. Public Health Command Products (Updated April, 2011)
  7. Public Affairs Guidance for Installation PAO (CAC login required)- PDF - (Example)
  8. Themes & Trends and Lessons Learned
  9. Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention Talking Points, 2011 - PDF
  10. VCSA Sends: Recent Army Suicide Trends - PDF
  11. Release of Protected Health Information to Unit Command Officials - PDF
  12. Suicide Prevention & Stigma Reduction Message from the Sergeant Major of the Army
  13. Army 2020 Generating Health and Discipline in the Force, Report 2012 (Gold Book)
  14. Department of Defense Suicide Event Report, CY 2010
  15. Tri-Signed Letter - Army Gold Book
Suicide Awareness Guide
Order Through Supporting Training Support Centers: GTA 12-01-007 (V2010)