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Grant Award Information for H400A100126

Awarded for Centers for Independent Living - ARRA to
The District of Columbia Center for Independent Living, Inc.
1400 Florida Avenue
Northeast, Suite Three A
Washington, DC 20002
Contact person: Richard A Simms

  • The District of Columbia Center for Independent Living, Inc.
    Attention: Richard A. Simms, Executive Director
    1400 Florida Avenue NE, Suite Three A
    Washington, DC 20002
    Phone: 202-388-0033
    Fax Number: 202-398-3018
    TTY Number: 202-388-0277
    Email address: rsimma@dccil.org
    Recent awards: CIL FY2012: H132A940008 , CIL-ARRA FY2010: H400A100126

  • The District of Columbia Center for Independent Living, Inc.
    Attention: Richard A. Simms, Executive Director
    1400 Florida Avenue, NE, Suite Three A
    Washington, DC 20002
    Phone: 202-388-0033
    Fax Number: 202-388-3018
    TTY Number: 202-388-0277
    Email address: rsimms@dccil.org
    Recent awards: CIL FY2012: H132A940008 , CIL-ARRA FY2010: H400A100126

FY 2010 award amount: 7,989
  • H132A930083 for 695,508 in 2012 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A940008 for 161,933 in 2012 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A930083 for 696,829 in 2011 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A940008 for 162,241 in 2011 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A940008 for 162,241 in 2010 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A930083 for 696,829 in 2010 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A940008 for 214,355 in 2009 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A930083 for 612,607 in 2009 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A940008 in 2008 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A930083 in 2008 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A940008 for 206,784 in 2007 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A930083 for 578,095 in 2007 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A930083 for 578,096 in 2006 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H132A940008 for 206,784 in 2006 Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
  • H400A100056 for 342,368 in 2010 Centers for Independent Living - ARRA

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