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Grant Award Information for H169A130037

Awarded for Independent Living State Grants Program to
Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - Dept of Elemen and Sec Edu
Contact person: Jeanne Loyd

FY 2013 award amount: 289,175
  • H126A130036 for 28,183,392 in 2013 Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • H126A120036 for 56,344,814 in 2012 Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • H126A110036 for 56,345,072 in 2011 Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • H126A100036 for 53,683,608 in 2010 Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • H126A090036 for 56,457,769 in 2009 Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • H126A080036 for 54,093,697 in 2008 Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • H126A070036 for 53,103,546 in 2007 Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • H169A120037 for 290,832 in 2012 Independent Living State Grants Program
  • H169A110037 for 292,478 in 2011 Independent Living State Grants Program
  • H169A100037 for 292,049 in 2010 Independent Living State Grants Program
  • H169A090037 for 292,595 in 2009 Independent Living State Grants Program
  • H169A080037 for 277,088 in 2008 Independent Living State Grants Program
  • H169A070037 for 283,092 in 2007 Independent Living State Grants Program
  • H169A060037 for 283,512 in 2006 Independent Living State Grants Program
  • H187A130037 for 411,653 in 2013 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE)
  • H187A120037 for 414,032 in 2012 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE)
  • H187A110037 for 416,497 in 2011 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE)
  • H187A100037 for 416,320 in 2010 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE)
  • H187A090037 for 417,320 in 2009 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE)
  • H187A080037 for 417,772 in 2008 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE)
  • H187A070037 for 428,822 in 2007 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE)
  • H187A060037 for 433,389 in 2006 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE)
  • H265A100003 for 50,303 in 2012 Rehabilitation Training - State VR In Service Training
  • H265A100003 for 48,741 in 2011 Rehabilitation Training - State VR In Service Training
  • H265A100003 for 50,260 in 2010 Rehabilitation Training - State VR In Service Training
  • H390A090036 for 11,375,265 in 2009 Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Recovery Act (2009)
  • H398A090037 for 227,089 in 2009 Independent Living - State (IL), Recovery Act (2009)

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