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Access other VR related resources.

Lists other resourcves available outside of the RSA website.

Information related to Fiscal matters, particularly on the Basic VR program. Includes information about Policy Directives and other documents, SMPID Formula Grant Programs – Minimum Award Calculations, VR FY 2011 MOE Penalties, and FY 2011 National Financial Management Conference.

The National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials is sponsored by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and hosted by Utah State University. NCRTM serves the profession of Vocational Rehabilitation as a centralized resource for the development, collection, dissemination, and utilization of training materials; as a forum for advancing knowledge through applied research and open dialog; and as a marketplace for career and staff development.

The Orientation & Technical Assistance Guide for State Vocational Rehabilitation Directors is provided to support new state vocational rehabilitation (VR) directors in the important work of administering federal programs within your state funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, including the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program, the Supported Employment Program, the State Independent Living Services Program, and the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals who are Blind Program. RSA developed this guide to provide quick and efficient access to information and technical assistance resources related to the administration of these programs.

This self-directed program intends to address the training needs of SRC members. It contains a series of topical modules, each approximately 30 minutes in length, intended to provide a resource to SRC members, especially new members, to increase knowledge of the VR program and improve understanding of SRC responsibilities. The series is designed for use "anytime-anywhere," including group settings or individually.

The Guide and its Appendices provide state VR agencies and State Rehabilitation Councils (SRC) with fundamental tools necessary to meet the requirements of a fully developed comprehensive statewide needs assessment (CSNA).

The National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials hosts archived copies of training webinars conducted by RSA.

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