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Tips For Speeding Up Your Visit

We look forward to helping you during your upcoming visit to the American Citizen Service’s office.  By following these simple tips your appointment will run smoothly and quickly.

  1. Be on time for your appointment.  We schedule appointments for set time periods to minimize wait times while also accommodating as many American citizens as possible.   Those who arrive on time will be given priority. 
  2. Have your applications filled out completely before you arrive.  All applications must be completed before we will begin processing your case.  This could mean spending hours in our waiting room completing  the required forms.  Do yourself a favor -- be ready when you arrive with all of your forms complete.  Furthermore, if you arrive without your forms completed your appointment may be cancelled.  You can download most documents from the Forms section of our website. 
  3. Original documents are required for many services, including passport renewals or Consular Reports of Birth Abroad.  It also always a good idea to bring your US passport with you.  Applicants with original documents will be given priority.  Additionally, failing to bring the original documents will result in having to come back to the Consulate again with the required documents.
  4. Make your own copies of your original documents (passports, marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.).  This expedites your case since you will not have to wait for us to make copies.  This is especially true in the case of Consular Report of Birth Abroad applications, when you may be required to provide proof of your physical presence in the United States.  Remember to bring the original documents with you, too.   
  5. Remember to bring the right amount of money.  Applications will not be processed until the appropriate fee is paid in full with the cashier.  Fees may be paid in U.S. dollars (please ensure the bills are not torn) or in Israeli shekels at the current Consulate established exchange rate.  Payment can only be made in cash or credit card (all major credit cards accepted; however, not IsraCard).  No personal checks will be accepted.  You can review the current Schedule of Fees for exact charges. 

We look forward to your visit!