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Improving Access to Financial Services

Improving Access to Financial Services

Economic growth often reduces poverty, but to ensure that the poor are proactively included in market development, micro and small enterprises (MSEs) need access to financial services in an environment that allows them to prosper. El Salvador’s current and future competitiveness in international markets, as highlighted in the Partnership for Growth agreement between El Salvador and the United States, depends on the success of the entire private sector. [Find out more...]
Trade Capacity Development for Small and Medium Businesses

Trade Capacity Development for Small and Medium Businesses

[2012-07-12] El Salvador has a small economy, which has nonetheless not escaped the negative effects of the recent world recession. To promote economic growth, the country must meet the challenge of growing and strengthening its entrepreneurial base in order to create a positive impact on investment and employment. [Find out more...]
Reducing Vulnerabilities and Preparing Communities to Face Disasters and Epidemics

Reducing Vulnerabilities and Preparing Communities to Face Disasters and Epidemics

[2011-08-16] The Program to Reduce Vulnerabilities and Promote Sustainable Risk Management and the Program to Prepare Communities to Face Disasters and Epidemics aim to increase resilience and reduce the vulnerability of local communities and institutions through trainings and small infrastructure improvements that enable them to better prepare for, mitigate, and respond to disasters at the community, municipal, and micro-regional levels, with a specific focus on women and youth. [Find out more...]
Improving Access to Employment Program

Improving Access to Employment Program

[2011-08-01] Access to employment is a continual challenge in El Salvador, a country where citizens face a high level of underemployment and where many can only find work in the informal sector. [Find out more...]
Promoting Trade and Investment under CAFTA-DR

Promoting Trade and Investment under CAFTA-DR

[2011-02-25] Increased free trade aids countries with economic growth by creating jobs and income from imports, exports, and services, and also provides consumers with access to lower priced and higher quality goods and services [Find out more...]
Regional Environmental Program

Regional Environmental Program

[2011-02-25] Environmental cooperation is an important component in promoting regional trade, a fact recognized by the signing parties of the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR). [Find out more...]
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Last Updated on 2012-07-12