1. New Publication

  2. Protecting Citizens and Assets Abroad

  3. UK General Election 2015

  4. 14th Asia Security Summit

New Publication

Armed Conflict Survey

The Armed Conflict Survey includes maps, infographics and multi-year data, as well as the highly regarded IISS Chart of Conflict, a comprehensive reference on conflict, peace-support operations and transnational terrorist attacks. This 2015 chart focuses on conflict-related displacement with graphs, tables and timelines.

Power Shifts & New Blocs in the Global Trading System

Leading commentators – including two former heads of the WTO – examine the possible consequences of the shifting Global trade landscape.

Spoiler Groups and UN Peacekeeping

By embracing and developing three concepts – robust peacekeeping, political processes, and the protection of civilians – the UN can arrive at a stabilisation doctrine.

The essential military reference

The Military Balance 2015

The Military Balance is the IISS flagship annual assessment of the military capabilities and defence economics of 171 countries worldwide. New features include technical equipment-focused graphics, a chart of Russia’s armed forces and analytical essays on hybrid warfare, directed energy weapons and US space systems.

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