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Hugo Chavez Dies

The government of Venezuela has announced that Hugo Chavez died this afternoon. His death was not unexpected. What is unexpected is what occurred earlier today. Vice President Nicolas Maduro—Chavez’s heir apparent—informed a televised audience that Chavez was the victim of an attack by his enemies. Read More

Morning Bell

Busting 5 Myths About the Minimum Wage

Minimum-wage increases reduce the number of entry-level minimum-wage jobs available—actually hurting many of the workers proponents want to help. Read More


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VIDEO: We Need a Balanced Budget in 10 Years

Heritage President-Elect Jim DeMint appeared on the Kudlow Report and stated that we need to see the country on a 10-year path to a balanced budget that creates some financial stability. Read More



The U.S. Should Recognize British Sovereignty

The Obama Administration has backed Argentina’s calls for a U.N.-brokered settlement for the Falkland Islands and so far has refused to recognize the outcome of the referendum. Read More


Must Read

Obama Buries Good News on Keystone

Late last Friday, the State Department released a positive environmental review of the Keystone XL pipeline. President Obama has been delaying this pipeline. Read More


Must Read

America's Opportunity for All

We believe this is the time to reaffirm the principles that guide us, to champion our ideas of opportunity and upward mobility, and to redouble our efforts to change America’s course. Read the Full Report


What you should know about Jim DeMint, Heritage's next president

Heritage President-Elect Jim DeMint will take the reins as Heritage's next president in April. He has a bold vision for Heritage and the conservative movement.

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Jim DeMint and his vision

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From the Foundry Blog

Mar 06

United States of ... America, or Europe?

The Heritage Foundation's Lehrman Auditorium
~ A Margaret Thatcher Freedom Lecture ~ 25 years ago, in her groundbreaking 1988 Bruges speech, Margaret Thatcher spoke against the rise of a supranational federal Europe, warning that “to try to suppress nationhood and concentrate power at the center of a European conglomerate would be highly dama…
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    For charts and stats on the importace of marriage, fatherhood and religion, go first to FamilyFacts.org - the definitive online resource backed up by data from the US Census and other leading sources. Download, print and use this cutting-edge research in your sphere of influence.

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    During the first three years of the Obama Administration, 106 new major federal regulations added more than $46 billion per year in new costs for Americans.

  • Saving the American Dream Saving the American Dream

    Saving the American Dream is the one plan that will balance America's budget—once and for all. From entitlements to tax reform to government spending, it tackles the big problems. Together, we can change the status quo in Washington.