Project Description
Image of Gulf Shoreline at Point au Fer Island

The Point Au Fer Island project is located in Subprovince 3 of the Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA), south and slightly east of the mouth of the Atchafalaya River, and approximately 30 miles south of Morgan City, LA, in Terrebonne Parish. Atchafalaya Bay is northwest, Four League Bay is northeast, and the Gulf of Mexico lays to the south. The project area covers a total distance of approximately 20 miles of the island's Gulf shoreline, including a section of shoreline east of the island, to Bayou Goreau, and extends 2,500 feet inland and 1,000 feet offshore. The project area is comprised primarily of beach rim, brackish marsh, and salt marsh. It provides habitat for a diverse ecosystem with numerous fish and wildlife species, including red and black drum, spotted sea trout, menhaden, flounder, oyster, shrimp, blue crab, wading birds, shorebirds, seabirds, mammals, and alligators. Point Au Fer Island supports onshore and offshore oil and gas development and production. Oil and gas production facilities are in the area, with many canals created in the interior of the island for this purpose.

The LCA Feasibility Study will provide an evaluation of the alternative plans to stabilize the shoreline, and will also provide for an evaluation of the locations and quantities of dedicated dredged material borrow sites. The Feasibility Study is scheduled to result in a signed Chief's Report in November 2011.