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Integrated Field Research Challenge Site

Project Meetings

Hanford 300 Area IFRC Project Meeting
January 19 - 20, 2011, Richland, Washington


  • Zheng C, R Ma, H Prommer, J Greskowiak, C Liu, JM Zachara, and ML Rockhold. 2011. Hydrologic and Tracer Experiments Simulations. PNNL-SA-77568, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Vermeul VR, JP Mckinley, DR Newcomer, BG Fritz, RD Mackley, and KR Parker. 2011. River Induced Wellbore Flow Dynamics in IFRC Long-Screen Wells: Assessment of Mitigation Strategies. PNNL-SA-77361, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Rubin Y. 2011. Advanced Data Assimilation Strategies Status and Plans. PNNL-SA-77566, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Rockhold ML. 2011. Overview of Physical, Hydrologic, and Geophysical Data at the Hanford 300A IFRC Site. PNNL-SA-77286, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Rockhold ML. 2011. Observed and Simulated Results for the November 2008 Tracer Test at the Hanford 300 Area IFRC Site. PNNL-SA-77288, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Murray CJ, YJ Bott, JP McKinley, and JM Zachara. 2011. Geostatistical Analysis of Extractable Uranium and Kd for U-233. PNNL-SA-77268, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • McKinley JP, MD Miller, CT Resch, RM Kaluzny, VR Vermeul, and JM Zachara. 2011. Aquifer Response to River Stage Fluctuations and the Resultant Uranium Contribution From the IFRC Smear Zone. PNNL-SA-77294, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Liu C, J Shang, and JM Zachara. 2011. Uranyl Adsorption/Desorption Kinetics. PNNL-SA-77292, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Lichtner PC. 2011. IFRC Project Meeting: Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Plume Scale Modeling. PNNL-SA-77569, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Kent DB, and DL Stoliker. 2011. Smear-Zone Geochemical & Hydrologic Model: On-Going Experiments & Products. PNNL-SA-77570, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Johnson TC. 2011. Hanford 300 Area IFRC: Geophysical Monitoring System and Scientific Opportunities. PNNL-SA-77301, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Hammond GE, and X Chen. 2011. Simulation of October 2009 U(VI) Desorption Experiment. PNNL-SA-77420, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Haggerty R, and J Yin. 2011. Column Experiments on U(VI) Transport in Smear Zone Composite: Transient Chemistry & Transient Flow Results. PNNL-SA-77567, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Christensen JN, ME Conrad, JP McKinley, DL Stoliker, DJ DePaolo, and JM Zachara. 2011. U lsotopic Observations of the Spring 2009 Passive Rise Experiment. PNNL-SA-77565, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Chen X, H Murakami, MS Hahn, GE Hammond, ML Rockhold, and Y Rubin. 2011. Three-Dimensional Bayesian Geostatistical Aquifer Characterization at the Hanford 300 Area using Tracer Test Data. PNNL-SA-77287, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Annual ERSP PI Meeting:  March 29 - 31, 2010, Washington, DC


  • Christensen JN, JP McKinley, ME Conrad, DL Stoliker, DJ DePaolo, and JM Zachara. 2010.  Uranium Isotope Systematics in the 300 Area U Plume and the IFRC Plot:  Progress Towards a Site U Isotopic Model.  PNNL-SA-71914, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Fredrickson JK, JP McKinley, CT Resch, J-H Lee, X Lin, A Konopka, DW Kennedy, M Marshall, C Pearce, K Rosso, B Bjornstad, T Peretyazhko, E Roden, E Shelobolina, and JM Zachara. 2010.  Biogeochemical Redox Transition with Depth in the Hanford 300 Area IFRC Subsurface.  PNNL-SA-71584, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Haggerty R, DB Kent, C Liu, J Yin, DL Stoliker, C Zheng, R Ma, J Greskowiak, GE Hammond, PC Lichtner, J Istok, and JM Zachara. 2010.  Conceptual Model Development:  Site Geochemical Recaction and Mass Transfer Model for U)VI) Transport and Field Validation for the Hanford IFRC.  PNNL-SA-71902, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Lichtner PC, and GE Hammond. 2010. Placing the Hanford 300 Area IFRC Site in Perspective:  Plume Scale Modeling of Uranium Attenuation and Its Flux to the Columbia River.  PNNL-SA-70856, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • McKinley JP, JM Zachara, CT Resch, DC Girvin, RM Kaluzny, VR Vermeul, and JN Christensen. 2010.  The Deep Vadose Zone as a Source of Uranium to the Unconfined Aquifer at the Hanford Site IFRC.  PNNL-SA-71862, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Murray CJ, JM Zachara, JP McKinley, Yi-Ju Bott,and D Moore. 2010   Establishing a Geochemical Heterogeneity Model for a Contaminated Vadoze Zone - Aquifer System.  PNNL-SA-71766, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Rockhold ML, VR Vermeul, C Murray, and JM Zachara. 2010.  Hydrogeologic Characterization of the Hanford 300 Area IFRC Site, Observed and Simulated Tracer Test Results, and Plans for Future Refinements.  PNNL-SA-71776, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Rubin Y, X Chen, H Murakami, MS Hahn, ML Rockhold, VR Vermeul, GE Hammond, and PC Lichtner. 2010.  Data Assimilation for Saturated Zone Hydraulic Conductivity Model and Future Plans.  PNNL-SA-71875, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Vermeul VR, JP McKinley, DR Newcomer, BG Fritz, RD Mackley, and JM Zachara. 2010.  River Induced Wellbore Flow Dynamics in Hanford IFRC Monitoring Wells:  Evidence, Implications, and Mitigation.  PNNL-SA-71768, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Ward AL, R Versteeg, T Johnson, J Greenwood, and K Draper. 2010.  Integration of Core, Log, and Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data to Improve Hydrogeological Characterization of the Hanford 300 Area IFRC Site.  PNNL-SA-70923, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zachara, JM, and the IFRC Team. 2010.  Overview:  Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation:  An IFRC Focused on Hanford's 300 Area Uranium Plume.  PNNL-SA-71904, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zheng C, R Ma, C Liu, Y Fang, J Greskowiak, H Prommer, JM Zachara, ML Rockhold, and AL Ward. 2010.  Coupled Process Modeling of the IFRC Site: Approaches, Insights, and Future Plans.  PNNL-SA-71903, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Annual ERSP PI Meeting:  April 20 - 23, 2009, Lansdowne, VA
IFRC Breakout Session


  • Rochkhold ML, VR Vermeul, CJ Murray, and JM Zachara.  2009.  Hydrologic Characterization and Results from the First Tracer Experiment at the Hanford 300 Area IFRC Site.  PNNL-SA-65958, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.


  • Vermuel VR, ML Rockhold, BG Fritz, RD Mackley, DR Newcomer, and JM Zachara.  2009.  An Initial Non-Reactive Tracer Experiment at the Hanford 300 Area IFRC Site. PNNL-SA-65772, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zachara JM, and IFRC Team.  2009.  Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFC Focused on Hanford's 300 Area Uranium Plume. PNNL-SA-65733, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

IFRC Project Meeting:  February 24, 2009, Richland, WA


  • Zachara JM, and the IFRC Team.  2009.  New Results from the Hanford Integrated Field Research Challenge (IFRC).  PNNL-SA-664863, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting:  December 15 - 19, 2008


  • Rockhold ML.  2008. Hanford's 300 Area Integrated Field Research Challenge Site.  PNNL-SA-62302 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

IFRC Project Meeting:  April 29 - 30, 2008, Richland, WA


  • Bjornstad BN, and JP McKinely.  2008.  Well-Field Installation, Sampling Plan, and Monitoring System Update.  PNNL-SA-60429, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Liu C, DB Kent, and R Haggerty.  2008.  Conceptual Model of Mass Transfer at 300 A.  PNNL-SA-60523, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Rockhold ML.  2008.  Hanford 300 Area IFC Flow and Transport Modeling Integration and Coordination.  PNNL-SA-60272, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Stoliker D.  2008.  Geochemical Studies with Hanford 300 Area Sediments.  PNNL-SA-60570, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Vermeul VR., JS Fruchter, BG Fritz, RD Mackley, DM Wellman, and MD Williams.  2008. In-Situ Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection: Pilot-Scale Treatability Test at the 300 Area, Hanford Site.  PNNL-SA-58147, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Versteeg R.  2008.  300 Area IFC Data Management.  PNNL-SA-60571, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Ward, AL, and R Versteeg.  2008.  Geophysical Characterization: Discussion Points.  PNNL-SA-60533, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Yabusaki SB, Y Fang, and SR Waichler.  2008.  Reactive Transport Modeling of Uranium Surface Complexation and Mass Transfer in the 300 Area Hydrologic System.  PNNL-SA-60382, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zachara JM, and the IFC Team.  2008.  Introduction - IFC Kick-Off Meeting.  PNNL-SA-60453, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Annual ERSP PI Meeting:  April 16 - 19, 2007, Lansdowne, VA
IFRC Breakout Session,


  • Fredrickson JK.  2007.  Hanford 300 Area Subsurface as Microbial Habitat, PNNL-SA-54843, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Freshley MD.  2007.  300 Area IFC Site and Data Management.  PNNL-SA-54894, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Lichtner PC. 2007. Modelling Approaches and Issues. PNNL-SA-58425, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Liu C.   2007.  Multi-Scale Mass Transfer as the Key Science Issue at the Hanford IFC. PNNL-SA-54885, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zachara JM.  2007.  Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFC Focused on Hanford's 300 Area Uranium Plume. PNNL-SA-55280, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Annual ERSP PI Meeting:  April 7 - 9, 2008, Lansdowne, VA
IFRC Breakout Session


  • Zachara JM, and IFC Team.  2008.  Multi-Scale Mass transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineering Remediation:  An IFC Focused on Hanford's 300 Area Uranium Plume.  PNNL-SA-59826, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.


  • McKinley JP, VR Vermeul, BN Bjornstad, and JM Zachara.  2008. Experimental Site Layout, Well Installation, Injection Experiment Design, and Characterization Plans. PNNL-SA-59307, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Rockhold ML, BA Williams, PD Thorne.  2008. Geohydrology of the Hanford 300 Area and Pre-Modeling of IFC Experiments. PNNL-SA-59301, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Ward AL, R Versteeg, K Draper, T Johnson, CE Strickland, Y Wu.  2008. Characterization and Data Management at Hanford's 300-Area IFC Site. PNNL-SA-59439,  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zachara JM, and IFC Team.  2008.  Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFC Focused on Hanford's 300 Area Uranium Plume. PNNL-SA-59825, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zhang Z, W Nowak, H Murakami, JM Zachara, ML Rockhold, Y Rubin.  2008.  Data Assimilation for Stochastic Site Characterization and Conditional Simulation.  PNNL-SA-60108, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

IFRC Project Kick-off Meeting:  March 21 - 22, 2007, Richland, WA


  • Fruchter JS, DM Wellman, and VR Vermeul,  2007.  Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection. PNNL-SA-54473, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Johnson T, R Versteeg, Y Wu, S White, and C Fenimore.  2007.   Data Management for the 300 Area Integrated Field Challenge Site. Idaho National Laboratory.
  • McKinley, JP.  2007.  Saturated Zone Injection Array. PNNL-SA-57704, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Peterson RE. 2007. 300 Area Uranium Plume:  Monitoring System and Seasonal Trends. PNNL-SA-54634, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Rockhold, ML and AL Ward.  2007.  Experimental Site Design Vadoze Zone Infiltration Plot and Pre-Modeling. PNNL-SA-54548, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Williams BA.  2007.  300-FF-5 Hydrogeology.  PNNL-SA-16435, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Williams MD, ML Rockhold, and PD Thorne.  2007.  Hydrologic Modeling of the 300 Area Aquifer. PNNL-SA-54607, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Williams MD, JS Fruchter, DM Wellman, and VR Vermeul.  2007.  Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection Field Studies.  PNNL-SA-54632, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Yabusaki SB, Y Fang, and SR Waichler.  2007.   Uranium Reactive Transport in the Hanford 300 Area Vadose Zone-Aquifer-River System.  PNNL-SA-54465, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zachara JM and MD Freshley.  2007.  Introduction - IFC Kick-Off Meeting. PNNL-SA-54330, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Zachara JM, C Liu, and JP McKinley.  2007.  Geochemical and Mass Transfer Processes in 300 Area Sediments. PNNL-SA-54329, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Hanford 300 Area Site

Biological Sciences Division

