Robert Menendez

US Senator for New Jersey
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Senator Menendez's Statement Following President Obama's State of the Union Address

February 13, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement following President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, the President underscored America’s renewed leadership on global issues including climate change and his firm, clear response to North Korea’s nuclear threat.  He renewed our shared commitment to reducing nuclear arsenals and securing nuclear materials, as well as our commitment to strengthening our non-proliferation regime. The President’s emphasis on counter-terrorism rather than counter-insurgency, which requires boots on the ground and continued deployment of American troops, is a policy I have long supported,” said Senator Menendez.

“On the domestic side, I share the President’s commitment common sense gun laws and background checks to help prevent senseless massacres of the innocent. An emphasis on job creation to continue to spur our economic recovery is critical. The President’s call for comprehensive immigration reform will move the ball forward on our efforts in the Gang of 8 to bring 11 million people out of the shadows and on a pathway to productive citizenship.

"Tonight, the President put words to the music we heard in his inaugural address, and laid out an agenda that continues the progress we’ve made toward robust economic recovery at home and strengthening America’s leadership role abroad.”

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