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GCC: Rebuilding with Resilience - Lessons from the Rebuild by Design Competition After Hurricane Sandy

GCC: Rebuilding with Resilience - Lessons from the Rebuild by Design Competition After Hurricane Sandy

November 15, 2016

This Georgetown Climate Center report analyzes the six winning Rebuild by Design competition projects that were awarded funding after Hurricane Sandy to demonstrate innovative approaches for rebuilding disaster-affected communities in ways that will enhance physical, social, economic, and environmental resilience. This report includes detailed case studies of each of the six winning projects two years into their implementation, and the report summarizes the important lessons that are being learned by officials at all levels of government as they work to design and construct these cutting-edge infrastructure projects in ways that will deliver multiple community benefits and prepare these communities for future impacts from climate change.

Related Organizations: Georgetown Climate Center, The Rockefeller Foundation, Rebuild by Design

Author: Jessica Grannis

Resource Category: Solutions


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Roadmap to Support Local Climate Resilience: Lessons from the Rising Tides Summit

December 2016

The World Resource Institute released a report discussing actions that the federal government can take to promote local resilience initiatives on December 15, 2016.  The report describes the federal actions that have been taken to promote state and local resilience initiatives by the Obama administration and describes ways that the new administration can build upon and enhance these efforts.  The report also includes case studies from around the country about ways that cities, states and tribal governments are preparing for the impacts of climate change. 

Related Organizations: World Resources Institute (WRI)

Authors: C. Forbes Tompkins, Nathan Cogswell

Resource Category: Law and Governance


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Achieving Urban Resilience: Washington D.C.

December 12, 2016

Achieving Urban Resilience illustrates the environmental, health and economic benefits that Washington, D.C. could gain from citywide adoption of smart surface technologies such as cool roofs, green roofs, solar PV, porous pavements, bio-retention, rainwater harvesting, reflective pavements, permeable pavements, and urban trees. The report quantifies the benefits of adopting cost-effective strategies to manage sun and rainfall at a city level, and documents how the District could save at least $5 billion over 40 years with smart surface strategies. The benefits valued for this study include energy cost savings, improved air quality and public health, reduced stormwater runoff, climate change mitigation and resilience, as well as additional support for the economy through the creation of green jobs.

Related Organizations: District Department of Energy and the Environment (DDOE) - Washington DC, District Department of General Services - Washington DC, Capital E

Authors: Greg Kats, Keith Glassbrook

Resource Category: Planning


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Executive Order: Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience

December 9, 2016

President Obama’s Executive Order establishes the Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area in response to requests from the native coastal tribes in this region for the Federal Government to take action to protect the health of the marine ecosystems, while maintaining sustainable fishing and economic development opportunities. The subsistence practices of these communities, along with inter-related marine ecosystem stability are threatened by warming ocean temperatures, sea ice loss,  sea level rise, increasing maritime traffic, and oil and gas leasing.

Resource Category: Law and Governance


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Climate Ready Boston Final Report

December 8, 2016

Climate Ready Boston is an initiative to enhance near- and long-term climate change preparedness and resiliency in Boston, Massachusetts. The comprehensive 400 page final report from the initiative uses updated climate projections to predict how climate change will impact Boston, and details the findings on vulnerable populations, buildings, infrastructure, the shoreline, and the economy. The report also provides an extensive analysis of climate resilience initiatives and a roadmap for strategic implementation. Climate Ready Boston is led by the City in partnership with the Green Ribbon Commission and with support from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management and community partners.

Related Organizations: City of Boston, Massachusetts, Boston Green Ribbon Commission, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM)

Resource Category: Planning


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Under Water: How Sea Level Rise Threatens the Tri-State Region

December 5, 2016

This report identifies the places in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut metropolitan area that are most at risk of being permanently flooded by sea level rise, and describes the effects of 1, 3 and 6 feet of sea level rise on neighborhoods, employment centers and infrastructure.

Related Organizations: Regional Plan Association

Resource Category: Assessments


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EPA Climate and Health Assessment Kits

December 2016

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed climate communication materials that summarize key points from the USGCRP U.S. Climate and Health Assessment for the different populations that are disproportionately affected by climate-change impacts. The assessment provides a comprehensive analysis of observed and projected health impacts from climate change, and specifies the impacts on a range of vulnerable populations. The eight assessment kits distill this information and focus on the climate impact attributes respective to each population of concern, while offering educational materials and communication strategies.  The vulnerable populations targeted are:  

Resource Category: Education and Outreach


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Norfolk Vision 2100

November 22, 2016

The City of Norfolk’s “Norfolk Vision 2100” sets out a high-level strategy to adapt to sea-level rise and flooding through the end of the century. By taking this long-term approach, Norfolk hopes to begin making planning and investment decisions now that will help ensure it remains a “dynamic, water-based community” as climate impacts become increasingly acute in the future.

Related Organizations: City of Norfolk, Virginia

Resource Category: Planning


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The Resilient Lands and Waters Initiative Final Report

November 17, 2016

A Resilient Lands and Waters Initiative Final Report and companion website highlight the efforts of seven partnerships across the U.S. to build resilience of natural resources and to increase climate resilience at the landscape scale. These partnerships use existing collaborative, regional approaches to address climate change and to identify priority areas for conservation, restoration, and management actions. At each location, Federal agencies work closely with state, tribal, and local partners to prepare for and prevent climate impacts, and ensure that long-term conservation efforts take climate change into account.

Resource Category: Solutions


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Climate Adaptation: The State of Practice in U.S. Communities

November 16, 2016

Looking at 17 communities engaged in adaptation, this report examines what communities are doing to address climate risks. It finds that communities are often motivated by extreme climate event and are more focused on reducing their current vulnerabilities to extreme events, compared to addressing future climate impacts. Despite this, there is encouraging evidence that communities can begin addressing climate change risks and overcome barriers to action and implementation.  The 17 case studies provide insights into the key components of a well-adapted community.

Related Organizations: Abt Associates, The Kresge Foundation

Authors: Jason M. Vogel, Karen Carney, Joel B. Smith, Charles Herrick, Missy Stults, Megan O'Grady, Alexis St. Juliana, Heather Hosterman, Lorine Giangola

Resource Category: Solutions


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Climate Ready DC: The District of Columbia’s Plan to Adapt to a Changing Climate

November 15, 2016

The District Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) has released the Climate Ready DC climate adaptation plan, charting a city-wide course to respond to burgeoning impacts, including longer, more frequent heatwaves; more frequent intense storms; and increasing sea levels and riverine flooding.

Related Organizations: District Department of Energy and the Environment (DDOE) - Washington DC

Resource Category: Planning


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