Press Releases

***PRESS STATEMENT*** Rep. Rohrabacher Commemorates 9-11, Pleads For U.S. Intervention on Behalf of Jailed Pakistani Hero Instrumental in Locating Bin Laden

Sep 11, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Sep 11 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) issued the following statement on the commemoration of the 9-11 terrorist attacks: “As we commemorate the monstrous crime committed against America on 9-11 and honor the brave, innocent souls...

***PRESS STATEMENT*** Rep. Rohrabacher's Statement on the Death of Neil Armstrong

Aug 27, 2012 Issues: Space and Science

Washington, Aug 27 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) issued the following statement on the death of astronaut and American icon, Neil Armstrong: “My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Neil Armstrong and I share the grief...

***PRESS RELEASE*** ADL Insensitive to the Suffering of Israel's Friends; Imperils Israel

Aug 6, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Aug 6 - Today, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter to Abraham Foxman, the National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, responding to a letter that minimized and negated the suffering of the residents of Camp Ashraf in...

***PRESS RELEASE***Obama Administration to Sell Restricted Military Technology to Communist China

Aug 3, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Aug 3 - Today, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, opposing the Obama Administration’s intention to give licenses to US companies to sell advanced space technology to a Chinese state...

***PRESS RELEASE*** Rep. Rohrabacher Requests Information on Missing Baluch; Questions Administration's Actions

Jul 30, 2012

Washington, Jul 30 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asking her to provide his office with information related to the case of a missing Baluch man named Zakir Majeed. Mr. Majeed, who was the Vice...

***PRESS RELEASE*** Karzai "Disappears" Political Opponents; State Department Silent

Jul 27, 2012

Washington, Jul 27 - Today, Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Louie Gohmert (R-TX) sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly condemning the recent abduction and harassment of Dr. Hussain Yasa by Afghan authorities in Kabul....

***PRESS RELEASE*** Rep. Rohrabacher Urges Secretary Clinton to Back Freedom From Iran for Azeris

Jul 26, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Jul 26 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton urging the United States to back freedom for Azeris from Iran. Rohrabacher’s letter was prompted by recent news stories concerning a...

***PRESS RELEASE*** Obama Administration Promotes China-Karzai-Pakistan Nexus as Solution to U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Jul 24, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Jul 24 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a response letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, strongly reiterating the need to confront the endemic corruption within the Karzai regime and the strategic harm it causes to...

***PRESS STATEMENT*** Rep. Rohrabacher: Karzai Clain Should Not Become Afghan Dynasty

Jul 12, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Jul 12 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) issued the following statement on the prospect of Quayum Karzai replacing his brother Hamid Karzai as President of Afghanistan in 2014: “The recent discussions and media reports that Quayum...

***PRESS RELEASE*** Rep. Rohrabacher to Taiwan President Ma: Defend Your Citizens

Jul 10, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Jul 10 - Today, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter to President Ma Ying-jeou of the Republic of China urging him to speak out against the detention of a Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner by Communist security forces in southeast...
