Opinion Pieces

Thomas Sowell: "Change" is not new

Mar 31, 2010

Washington, Mar 31, 2010 - When ancient fossils of creatures that live on the ocean floor have been found in rock formations at the summit of Mount Everest, that ought to give us a clue that big changes in the earth are nothing new, and that huge...

CIA Waterboarding Produced Intel That Stopped Attack on Los Angeles

Apr 22, 2009

Washington, Apr 22, 2009 - "Soon, you will know." That is the ominous statement an uncooperative Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, told his Central Intelligence Agency interrogators when they...

An Alternative Course In Afghanistan

Mar 3, 2009 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Mar 3, 2009 - Published in The Washington Times [Original Article] We must build up the strength and role of indigenous forces in our drive for victory in Afghanistan and deliver on the promises we made to the Afghans decades ago when...

Human Events: Mr. President, Free the Border Agents

Dec 16, 2008 Issues: Immigration

Washington, Dec 16, 2008 - For over two and a half years, the unjust prosecution and imprisonment of U.S. Border Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean has weighed heavy on the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. As more details about the...

Why I voted *NO* on today's Wall Street Bailout

Oct 3, 2008

By Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Oct 3, 2008 - • Last Minute Irrelevant Expenditures Added To The Bailout It is unconscionable that on an issue as important as this, completely irrelevant expenditures were added solely to secure additional votes. Some...

Lone Star Times: My thoughts on the 5th Circuit’s Ramos & Compean decision

Jul 29, 2008 Issues: Immigration

Texas, Jul 29, 2008 - On December 3, 2007 a three judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court heard appeals on Case 06-51489, United States of America v. Ignacio Ramos; Jose Alonso Compean. I was there seated in the front row witnessing the proceedings and...

The Sky is Falling: the deadly threat posed by Near Earth Objects and what we can do about it

Jul 21, 2008 Issues: Space and Science

Washington, Jul 21, 2008 - On June 14, 2002, the Earth narrowly avoided a deadly event. One which quite possibly would have had a devastating effect on the course of humankind. The close call came and went, and for three days nobody noticed that day...

USA TODAY: "Wrong Then, Wrong Now"

Apr 7, 2008

Washington, Apr 7, 2008 - In 1936, the world made the mistake of providing Hitler with a global platform to showcase his fascist propaganda by participating in the Olympics hosted by Nazi Germany. It was wrong to support the Olympic venue then and...

The Hill: "Electronics Industry Seeks Advantages at Others’ Expense"

Mar 4, 2008

Washington, Mar 4, 2008 - There are powerful forces at play in Washington, at times using their disproportionate influence to take our government in a direction that benefits their interests rather than those of the American people. The immigration...

Human Events: "President Bush Should Quickly Pardon Jailed Border Agents"

Nov 5, 2007

Washington, Nov 5, 2007 - Unjustly convicted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are currently serving 11 and 12 year prison terms, respectively, for shooting and wounding an admitted illegal alien drug smuggler who they interdicted...
