
Remembering 9/11

Sep 9, 2011 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Sep 9, 2011 - On September 11, 2001, Islamic radicals slaughtered 3,000 of our fellow human beings. The people who were targeted and killed were ordinary folks from every walk of life, of every religion, every level of income, and every...

End of Shuttle Program Doesn’t Mean End of American Leadership in Spaceflight

Jul 8, 2011 Issues: Space and Science

Washington, Jul 8, 2011 - American leadership in human spaceflight is dead. Long live American leadership in human spaceflight. Just as America ended the successful and celebrated Apollo program to blaze a different trail, now we are ending the...

Happy 4th of July!

Jul 1, 2011

Huntington Beach, Jul 1, 2011 - In 1776, when Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed a resolution of American Independence from Great Britain, even he could not have known the great historical moment upon him. Consider that America, just a group of...

California Surfer Goes to Washington

Jun 22, 2011

Washington, Jun 22, 2011 - You can expect to see American flags and political knickknacks in the office of most members of Congress. You don’t, however, routinely see surfboards and alcohol posters.  Meet Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a...

Patent Bill Helps Global Elite, Not "Little Guy"

May 25, 2011 Issues: Patent Reform

Washington, May 25, 2011 - Senator Coons recently wrote about a looming crisis in America -- a record backlog of patent applications at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. While Senator Coons is 100% correct about the importance of innovation to...

It's Time to Cut Aid to Pakistan

May 9, 2011 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, May 9, 2011 -     In 1998 Pakistan’s military and intelligence services facilitated the transfer to Communist China of a Taliban recovered unexploded American Tomahawk cruise missile, which we fired in an attempt to kill Osama Bin Laden...

Patent Reform Hurts "Little Guy."

Apr 22, 2011 Issues: Patent Reform

Washington, Apr 22, 2011 - Admit it or not, there are powerful multinational electronics companies that are out to destroy the U.S. patent system. This is not new. Over the years, global corporatists’ destructive designs on U.S. patent laws have...

On The Verge Of Safe Reactors That Will Revolutionize World

Apr 1, 2011 Issues: Space and Science

Washington, Apr 1, 2011 - The events in Japan are disastrous and heartbreaking, but they should not be used to stop us from safely utilizing nuclear energy for the benefit of our nation.  As a senior member of the House Committee on Science, Space...

It’s Time to Fix a Major Flaw in Our Democracy

Mar 1, 2011

Washington, Mar 1, 2011 - The recent tragic shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) has revealed a serious flaw in our constitutionally mandated system that needs to be remedied. As it stands now, the Constitution permits any mad gunman or group of...

Roll Call recently featured my office in their "Office Space" section.

Jan 27, 2011

Washington, Jan 27, 2011 -   Surfing is not a sport one expects a 63-year-old Member of Congress to claim for a hobby, but then again, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is no ordinary Congressman. The 12-term California Republican has had a storied political...
