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USAMRU-E goes five years DUI free

An Army Medicine in Europe unit was recently recognized for reaching a rare milestone in keeping their members safe.

The U.S. Army Medical Research Unit-Europe at Heidelberg's Nachrichten Kaserne has had no incidents of Driving While Intoxicated/Driving Under the Influence for five years. The unit may have been DUI free for more than five years, but the current tracking system has only been in use since 2007.

Four other Europe-based medical units -- Headquarters and Headquarters Company Bavaria Medical Department Activity, Livorno (Italy) Health Clinic, Kleber Health Clinic in Kaiserslautern, and the Stuttgart Army Health Clinic -- were also recognized for reaching the five-year milestone.

Europe Regional Medical Command Safety Manager Carol Fontanese said that everyone, from the private to the field grade officer, has a responsibility in reducing drunk driving incidents.

"Achieving this accomplishment is a reflection of engaged leadership and Soldiers taking care of Soldiers" Fontanese said. "Soldiers within ERMC are aware of how a DUI/DWI can change someone's life and are engaged in ensuring Soldiers have a plan in place for off-duty activities to allow for safe transportation home."

Soldiers were encouraged to take care of embrace a culture of safety, Fontanese said. This included actions such as having plans in place for a non-drinking friend or family member to drive them home if they would be drinking alcohol.

"Of course as with all Army units, there is command emphasis on safety, accountability, and responsibility. That has always been the case here and still is," said Lt. Col. Jeffrey Thomas, USAMRU-E commander. "More than that, being a small unit means we are a cohesive team of Soldiers and Civilians who look out for each other as a team/family. I think Commanders in the past and current staff have understood that dynamic. We take care of each other and have had a supportive climate for unit members."

Each unit will receive a plaque handmade by another safety award winner, Staff Sgt. Lon Mullaney, who recently received the U.S. Army Medical Command Individual Award of Excellence in Safety. Mullaney volunteers at the MWR Wood Shop on Patton Barracks.

"Sergeant Mullaney volunteered to make the DUI/DWI plaques for units who achieve one, two, three, four and five years DUI/DWI free," Fontanese said. "This is another example of Soldiers and NCOs leading the way to ensure safety first and always."

Each unit will also receive a three-day pass in recognition of their achievement.

ERMC Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Luciano said these units exemplify the Army Value of Integrity.

"Soldiers need to do the right thing both on- and off-duty, and that's exactly what these Soldiers are doing," Luciano said. "This is also a testament to the hard work and positive influence of unit NCOs and Senior NCOs."

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Last Modified Date: 18-Sep-2012