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USAMRIID Soldier Captures MEDCOM NCO of the Year Award

Staff Sgt. Craig Wayman

Staff Sgt. Craig Wayman

After a year of one tough competition after another, and winning each along the way, Staff Sgt. Craig Wayman, an emergency management medic from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, Md., was named Noncommissioned Officer of the Year by the U.S. Army Medical Command during a ceremony held in San Antonio, Texas, June 8.

For Wayman, this MEDCOM win completes the "trifecta" of NCO of the Year competitions, and signifies yet another milestone in the career of a very dedicated Soldier. Last fall, he captured the honor of Fort Detrick NCO of the Year, and this past April, he took home the same prestigious title for the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command.

Apparently, he has acquired these victories through a very straightforward philosophy.

"Every Soldier wants to be a 'soldier' and wants to deploy and 'kick down doors' and do their job in a combat environment," said Wayman. "But as an NCO and Soldier, you have to be able to adapt to all situations, in and out of combat."

As the very first USAMRMC Soldier to be honored as MEDCOM NCO of the Year, Wayman had to battle the top contenders from MEDCOM's various subcommands. Having been deployed twice as a combat medic, he is quite familiar with conflict, and this experience has helped him develop exceptional tactical hands-on skills.

"Bar none, he is the type of Soldier that I would want to stand by me in combat, especially when adding in his medical skills on the battlefield," said Command Sgt. Major Kevin B. Stuart, USAMRMC command sergeant major.

"But aside from his outstanding soldiering skills, he is an excellent Army representative, using his personal time to volunteer in and around the Fort Detrick community," said Stuart. "I can't think of any other Soldier that could represent the MRMC and MEDCOM any better."

Coming from a military family, the devoted staff sergeant enlisted over 7 years ago with the primary intention of serving his country. He hopes to one day retire from the military after he completes at least three decades of service.

This fall, Wayman will represent MEDCOM in the prestigious all-Army NCO of the Year contest, where he will face the best of the best NCOs throughout the Army's major commands.

"My prediction is -- Staff Sgt. Wayman will be the Army's next NCO of the Year," said Stuart.

Given his focused determination, intense dedication, and positive attitude, it is easy to believe that Wayman not only appreciates a good challenge, he longs for it.

"My message to all other NCOs and Soldiers is to stay passionate," Wayman said. "You should always be passionate about the Army and about our jobs and the mission here. Don't become complacent -- keep that pride and passion."

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Last Modified Date: 14-Jun-2012