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 Product Information Codes Committee
 Board of Directors
 Letter of Interest Template
(doc - 25 KB.)
 PGA Access to CBP ACE Portal
(ppt - 310 KB.)
 Non-Disclosure Agreement
(pdf - 32 KB.)
 CBP Form 7300
(pdf - 8 KB.)
 ACE Portal Access Application
(doc - 66 KB.)
 AttA to Security Appendix - PGA Rules of Behavior
(pdf - 315 KB.)
ACE Portal Access Application Form
Join Us
Thank you for your interest in the ITDS program. The ITDS program supports federal agencies with missions tied to import and export security, regulation, and/or analysis as they prepare for, integrate their business requirements into, deploy and sustain U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE).

Key Players | First Step | Next Steps | ACE Portal Access | Other Information

Key Players
The ITDS Board of Directors (
Board of Directors ) and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ITDS team are dedicated to meeting your needs and ensuring your successful participation.

First Step
Contact CBP ITDS Team Lead, Susan Dyszel at: (202) 863-6211 Susan will answer your questions and work with you to schedule an informational briefing for your agency.

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Next Steps
Letter of Interest
Once the first step is completed, your agency should submit a statement-of- interest letter addressed to the ITDS Board Chairman. The signatory of this letter should be an agency official with the authority to confirm your agency’s interest in participation.

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ACE Portal Access
CBP systems contain a variety of sensitive information which assists PGAs in achieving their statistical, enforcement and/or international trade missions. Access to CBP's ACE system by PGA personnel imposes certain security requirements on the PGAs to adhere to common procedures for security administration, incident reporting and security training and awareness.

PGA Access to CBP ACE Portal
PGA Access to CBP ACE Portal (ppt - 310 KB.) )
The PGA Access to CBP Portal briefing provides a summary of what is required for a PGA to obtain access to CBP's ACE system, safeguarding the CBP sensitive information from unlawful disclosure as well as the process for completing and submitting your application package. To apply for ACE access you must submit a complete application package which contains the following forms: ACE Portal Access Application Form, CBP Form 7300, DHS Non-Disclosure Agreement, and Rules of Behavior for PGAs Form.

ACE Portal Access Application Form
The individual requesting ACE access completes this form with information required for creating a user account in ACE. This request for access must also be approved and signed by a supervisor or manager acknowledging the individual’s mission-related need for access to ACE. The ACE Portal Access Application Form also includes a checklist to compile your application package. ( ACE Portal Access Application (doc - 66 KB.) )

This form should be used to:

  • Create a new ACE user account for PGA users – MUST be accompanied by all required forms.
  • Add/remove PGA roles (Note: currently, there is only one role available to PGA ACE users. As new PGA roles become available in ACE, this form will be to be updated and submitted to request access to the new PGA roles)
  • Update personal information

All new applicants are required to use this form for requesting access. Your application package will be returned if this form is not included.

CBP Form 7300
This form is filled out by the agency security office to certify the individual requesting ACE access has obtained a type 25 OPM Background Investigation or equivalent. ( CBP Form 7300 (pdf - 8 KB.) )

DHS Non-Disclosure Form
This form is filled out by the individual requesting ACE access to acknowledge the signer’s willingness to comply with the standards for protecting the different types of information the user will have access to. Each category will need an initial on the first page and complete the acknowledgment with signatures from both the individual and a witness on the last page. ( Non-Disclosure Agreement (pdf - 32 KB.) )

Rules of Behavior for PGAs Form
Each applicant is required to read this document, complete and sign the acknowledgement statement in order to obtain access to ACE. This form (page 3 with your acknowledgement statement) must be included in your application package. Your agency security office should also maintain a copy of this document for their records. ( AttA to Security Appendix - PGA Rules of Behavior (pdf - 315 KB.) )

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Other Information

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at

Participating Government Agency ACE Ambassadors
Effective communication about ACE is critical as CBP introduces the new operating system for CBP, participating government agency (PGA) users and the Trade community. The PGA ACE Ambassador Program was created to enable CBP and PGAs to provide timely, consistent, and accurate information about the progress of ACE development and raise awareness of ACE. The successful implementation of the PGA ACE Ambassador Program will enable each agency to spread the word about ACE development and provide support for PGAs transition to the new system. For information or details contact

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