Dr. Line Pouchard

Staff Scientist

Extreme Scale Systems Center


My research interests include the development of information systems for data-intensive, collaborative and multi-disciplinary, scientific applications. It includes the access, collection, management, and interoperability of data and information through the use of metadata and ontologies.

This research is focused on scientific domains of interest to the Department of Energy, Office of Science, including High Performance Computing, Climate and Earth Sciences, and Homeland Security.

Another aspect of my activities at ORNL is focused on encouraging sustained interest in science and on mentoring interns with the goal of educating young scientists. I received a DOE Outstanding Mentor Award for 2009. Interested interns may apply to the Science Education programs available at the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. The Department of Energy values diversity.



Andrew Runciman, ETSU, 05/10 - 08/10.

Jarilyn Hernandez, 09/09 - 07/10.

Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.

Jake Choi, Walker Loggins, 01/10 - 04/10.

Tennessee Governor's Academy.


Alex Suttmiller, 05-08/09, OSU.

Matt Baker, 05/09. ETSU. Now at ORNL.

Jon Dobson 05-08/07, 10/08-02/10. Now at ORNL.

Stephenie Brown, 05-08/08, TTU.

David Labissoniere, 10/06-03/07. Now at ANL.