Wednesday, February 13, 2013
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homepage 10yrs NATO Homepage ACT Homepage

Family Support Team

nl Mariette Verschoor-Beker, (757)531-5688
us Cheree H. Wiegman, (757)749-5724

Be RED CROSS Ready: Emergency Fast Fact Sheets
Earthquakes Floods Hurricanes Tornados
English English English English
French French French French
Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

The NATO Family Support Team at HQ-SACT was implemented in September 2004. This program is designed to assist ACT families with a family support system, regardless of nationality, marital status or deployment status during their stay in the Hampton Roads Area. Your ACT Family Support team consists of two members Mrs Mariƫtte Verschoor-Beker and Mrs Cheree Wiegman. They are volunteers appointed by the Chief of Staff and happy to help you with the challenges you face during your stay.

Newsletters Safety Information Useful Information

Issue XIV
Fall/Winter '12

Issue XIV

Issue XIII
Summer '12

Issue XII
Spring '12

Issue XI
Winter '11-'12


Credit Card Fraud


Identity Theft

ACT Newcomers Information


Virginia Beach - Norfolk - Chesapeake

Military One Source
National Military Family Association

FFSC adultlearninglogo