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Human Capital Legislation

Limited Senior Executive Service (SES) Appointments and Bonuses
(§ 9813 of S.610)

PURPOSE: The current SES appointment authority limits the use of limited term appointments to SES General positions, which comprise a small portion of NASA’s SES positions, and restricts such appointments to project-type assignments. The NASA Flexibility Act of 2004 provides more flexibility in making time-limited SES appointments by permitting limited term appointments to Career Reserved SES positions and authorizing them in a wider range of circumstances. In addition, the Act authorizes NASA to pay SES bonuses to these individuals. These two flexibilities will enable NASA to better meet short-term staffing needs at the executive level and allow the Agency to grant appropriate monetary recognition to these employees for their accomplishments.


• The Administrator is authorized to fill a Career Reserved SES position on a temporary basis to fill a bona fide temporary need. The use of this appointment authority is not limited to addressing project-based needs or emergencies. For example, it may be used to fill a continuing SES vacancy on a time-limited basis caused by the temporary absence of the incumbent due to illness, long-term training, or a temporary detail to another position.

• The limited term appointment may be for a period of four years or less if the duties of the job will expire at the end of the term, or for one year or less if the duties are continuing. In rare circumstances the Administrator may authorize an extension of a limited term appointment of one year to a continuing position or two years in other cases.

• Individuals who are given SES limited term appointments under this authority may be given performance awards (SES bonuses) in the same amounts and same manner as SES career appointees on permanent appointments.