

Background &
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Plan Description


Appendix A

Appendix B:

Appendix C
Work Plan


Legislative Update

Brady Phillips

Reauthorization of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act
Last November, former President Clinton signed the National Marine Sanctuaries Amendments Act of 2000 (S. 1482), thereby extending and improving the management of the national marine sanctuary system.

"This nation prides itself on its conservation ethic, as embodied in our national parks and refuges," former President Clinton said. "The 13 marine sanctuaries extend this ethic into the sea, ensuring a healthy ocean environment for future generations of swimmers and surfers, fishermen and explorers, teachers and students."



The Act, administered by NOAA's National Ocean Service, relies on the involvement of local citizens to find the best possible solutions to the tough challenges communities face in protecting the ocean environment. The National Marine Sanctuary System currently comprises 13 sanctuaries around the country, including Hawaii and American Samoa. In the quarter century since its inception, the sanctuaries Act has provided a powerful tool for marine resource protection resulting in the permanent conservation of many invaluable habitats and maritime artifacts.

Drawing upon this experience, the amended bill refines the Act in substantive ways that reflect the growth and evolution of the program. In addition to strengthening the sanctuary system, the Act provides the following:

  • Authorizes $32 million in fiscal year 2001, with levels increasing by $2 million a year through fiscal year 2005. It also authorizes $6 million a year in fiscal years 2001 through 2005 to build the facilities needed to manage these special places.

  • Allows for greater protection of the coral reefs off the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, one of few remaining major coral reefs complexes affected little by human development. These remote islands are home to approximately 70% of America's coral reefs, and endangered monk seals and sea turtles.

  • Establishes the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarships to recognize outstanding scholarship, particularly by women and minorities, in the fields of oceanography, marine biology, and maritime archeology. The scholarships are named in memory of Dr. Nancy Foster, a 23-year NOAA employee who worked to expand and strengthen marine sanctuaries.

Each year the President, the House, and the Senate must reach agreement on annual spending bills for each government agency. On December 15th, the House and the Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2001 appropriations legislation, which included NOAA's spending appropriation. The conference agreement includes a total of $32.5 million for the National Marine Sanctuary System, including $3 million for marine sanctuary visitor facilities, and $500K to support the activities of the Northwest Straits Citizens Advisory Commission as outlined in the House and Senate reports.


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