Posts Tagged ‘mobile apps’

Bring Curiosity to your living room with Spacecraft 3D

| Yesterday, NASA JPL released Spacecraft 3D, an augmented reality application for the iPhone and iPad that allows you to create a 3D version of either Curiosity, the Mars rover current en-route to the Red Planet, or the GRAIL spacecraft, currently orbiting the moon. Although it may sound simple, the technology behind making the models appear [...]

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ESA’s App Camp

| This article is cross-posted from ESA’s Living Planet Program blog here. For more information about the App Camp, go to the main page here.  This week’s ESA App Camp didn’t see canoeing or campfires. Developers worked diligently despite the Mediterranean heat to create applications for mobile phones that bring Earth observation and GMES services to [...]

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Venus Transit

| The Transit of Venus anticipated on June 5, 2012, is among the rarest astronomical phenomena and won't happen again until the year 2117.

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SpaceLab for iOS

| SpaceLab for iOS  is a commercially developed app by Odyssey Space Research to work with Apple’s iOS on iPhone® 4 in order to perform experiments onboard the U.S. National Laboratory on the International Space Station (ISS). The SpaceLab for iOS app was transported to the ISS on two, space certified iPhone 4′s on the historic final mission of the Space Shuttle program, STS-135, [...]

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| “I challenge NASA leaders at all levels to create an environment that embraces and supports telework for employees who are eligible and interested.” NASA Administrator Charles Bolden I love teleworking.With members across four time zones, the freedom and resources to work from wherever (and whenever) we are has been vital to the success of our [...]

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NASA Open Data Highlight: ISS Live!

| JSC’s ISSLive! project is an exceptional example of NASA’s commitment to data and mission transparency in an interactive, participatory environment. For the true space geeks and data lovers among us – I hope you are excited. “Just 150 miles above us, the International Space Station (ISS) is orbiting. (Sidenote: If you haven’t seen cool open-source projects like [...]

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