Posts Tagged ‘Inspiration’


| “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…”

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Bringing Home the Magic of Space

| The mission of the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) is to maximize use of this unparalleled platform for innovation, which can benefit all humankind and inspire a new generation to look to the stars. What can you imagine? How are you inspired by those who are living and working in space? [...]

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Innovation, Inspiration, and Integrity

| Your awareness of the freedoms and responsibilities these policies support will help us continue to pursue new knowledge, fuel wonder, and make groundbreaking discoveries about the universe and our place in it.

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The Plan for Code

| Today we are launching, the latest member of the open NASA web family. Through this website, we will continue, unify, and expand NASA’s open source activities. The site will serve to surface existing projects, provide a forum for discussing projects and processes, and guide internal and external groups in open development, release, and contribution. [...]

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The space station really is for every generation

| As a child, the space shuttle completely ignited my imagination about exploration. I watched every space movie I could find, and carried around a well-worn copy of the Space Shuttle Operators Manual in one hand and my astronaut doll in the other. My elementary school classes crowded around the television to watch each launch, and [...]

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“Tool Crypt for Flight Projects” NASA’s Matt Ritsko wins President’s SAVE Award

| I recently had a chance to chat with Matt Ritsko, the recent winner of the President’s SAVE Award. The SAVE Award, which stands for Securing Americans Value and Efficiency, was launched in 2009 by President Obama. The award seeks ideas from federal employees to make government more effective and efficient and ensure taxpayer dollars are spent wisely. Matt is a Financial Manager on the Gravity Extreme Magnetism SMEX (GEMS) Flight Project. NASA has a long heritage of....

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Something to Shout About: Bloodhound Supersonic Car

| Haley Stephenson’s excellent article first appeared in the October issue of NASA’s ASK the Academy newsletter, found here. We are cross-posting it here as a great example of the intersection of engineering and openness. You can contact Haley directly here. All images are courtesy of Bloodhound SSC project.   Batman, eat your heart out. From [...]

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Open Source Development at NASA

| This post complements a presentation given at the 2011 NASA IT Summit entitled A Case for Bi-lateral Open Source Development: The Nebula Story and Key Findings from the Open Source Summit.  Although written by an attorney, this post is not legal advice or analysis and should not be taken as such. NASA has a special [...]

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