Friday, February 15, 2013
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TAG’s policy on Sexual Harassment/Assault

To the men and women of the Georgia Department of Defense:

Our dedicated Soldiers, Airmen and civilians are the most precious resource we have in this organization. We must always treat each other with dignity and respect. In the fast pace of our modern day 21st Century, sexual assault and sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated.

By means of these comments, I am directing, not requesting, that leadership at all levels re-commit to creating and maintaining an environment conducive to maximum productivity and respect for human dignity. Sexual assault/harassment destroys teamwork and negatively affects unit readiness.

The Ga. DoD bases its success on mission accomplishment. Successful mission accomplishment can only be achieved in an environment free of sexual assault/harassment for all personnel. Prevention of sexual assault/harassment is the responsibility of every Soldier, Airman and civilian.

Leaders will set the standard for all to follow. The values of the Army and the Air Force are founded on the principles of dignity and respect and must be supported by the entire organization.

The US DoD's sexual assault policy states that this crime has no place in the US Armed Forces. Our men and women serving in Georgia and around the world deserve nothing less. Together, we can achieve a culture free of sexual assaults.

Major General Jim Butterworth

Georgia's Adjutant General

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