U.S. National Institute of Health www.cancer.gov National Cancer Institute
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National Cancer Institute


Program Mission:

To support the development, maturation, and dissemination of novel and potentially transformative next-generation technologies through an approach of balanced but targeted innovation in support of clinical, laboratory, and epidemiological research on cancer.

Program Goals:

  • To focus innovative technology development on cancer
  • To solicit highly innovative technology development projects from the scientific and medical communities with transformative potential for the cancer-relevant communities that might benefit from their applications
  • To accelerate the maturation of meritorious technologies from feasibility through development and into the hands of researchers and clinicians

The intended purpose of the IMAT Program is to empower translational research through targeted (and perhaps disruptive) innovation in an attempt to achieve the aforementioned objectives. The Program has attempted to capitalize on its already-documented successes by periodically evolving its structure to meet the changing needs and landscape of technology development and to address the expansion of cross-cutting, research-enabling technology development efforts across the cancer continuum.