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Marine Corps Installations Pacific

Marine Corps Installations Command

Okinawa, Japan
Family Member and Civilian Misconduct
Misconduct FAQ'S

Q: What order governs family members and civilians misconduct?
A: MARCORBASESJAOANO 5800.6A established procedures for responding administratively to incidents of misconduct.

Q: Do I need to bring a lawyer to the administrative hearing?
A: No. This hearing is an administrative proceeding and not a court.

Q: What is an Administrative hearing?
A: A process established to adjudicate misconduct cases involving civilians and/or family members.

Q: What is a Misconduct Hearing Officer?
A: This is an individual appointed by the Commanding General and assigned by the Base Inspector's Office to conduct administrative hearings, review facts and circumstances surrounding the misconduct, and make appropriate recommendations for disposition of cases to the Base Inspector.

Q: What is considered misconduct?
A: Behavior such as shoplifting, curfew violation, assault/affrays, illegal weapons, illegal entry, vandalism. Black-marketing, communicating a threat, underage possession/consumption of alcohol, underage driving off base, use/possession of narcotic, and knowledge of an legal act/failure to report an act to authorities.

Q: Do I get a printout report of the incident before attending the hearing?
A: No, you will received a redacted copy of the summary when you attend the hearing.

Q: What determines the action levied in a case of misconduct?
A: The severity of the offense, the number of previous offenses, and previous similar cases are among the major factors that determine any administrative action.

Q: As the sponsor, do I have the right to appeal any administrative action?
A: The sponsor has ten working days to appeal, in writing to the commanding general, Marine Corps Base, administrative actions taken as a result of these proceedings. The appeal must be endorsed by the sponsor's chain of command, including the commander.

Q: As a victim, do I get to know the results of the administrative hearing?
A: No. All case results are confidential.