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GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance (GPPA) Workflow

Related documents:
  • GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance (GPPA), version 2.1 UPDATED
  • GSICS Product Acceptance Form (GPAF), version 1.2 UPDATED
  • GSICS Product External Review Form (GPERF), version 1.0 UPDATED

Product Submission Phase

  1. Fill out Sections I, II, III.1.A.1, and III.1.A.2 of the GSICS Product Acceptance Form (GPAF). Also, fill out Section III.1.B (ATBD) of the GPAF, but during the Submission Phase the ATBD needs only to be a preliminary version. The ATBD could be a journal article, technical memorandum or other documentation of the method used to make the product.
    • Who: Product provider
  2. Submit the GPAF and preliminary ATBD for review to the GSICS Product Acceptance Team (GPAT) via the GSICS Coordination Center (GCC) Deputy.
    • Who: Product provider
  3. Determine if the GPAF is filled out correctly and decide if the product theoretical basis is adequate and the product scope is within the GSICS domain.
    • Who: GPAT
    • Due: 6 weeks after the GPAF submission
  4. GPAT feedback given to the Product provider.
    • Who: GCC Director
    • Due: 7 weeks from GPAF submission
  5. Upload a sample file to a GSICS data server if GPAT feedback is affirmative.
    • Who: Product provider, GDWG Chairman
    • Due: One week after GPAT feedback regarding GPAF form submission
  6. Determine if the sample file follows the GSICS netCDF and file naming conventions.
    • Who: GDWG Chairman
    • Due: 2 weeks after successful product sample file upload
  7. Remediate any GPAF issues according to the GPAT feedback.
    • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
    • Due: Within 20 days after sending GPAT feedback to the Product provider
  8. Once all issues are resolved, the product enters the Demonstration Phase.
    • Who: GCC Director in consultation with the GPAT
    • Due: Within 90 days of the GPAF submission

Demonstration Phase

  1. Notify the Executive Panel about the Product entering Demonstration Phase.
    • Who: GCC Director
    • Due: Two weeks after the Product enters Demonstration Phase.
  2. Arrange for routine upload of the Product to a GSICS data server and agree on file retention policy.
    • Who: GDWG Chairman, GRWG Chairman, and Product provider
    • Due: One month after entering the Demonstration phase
  3. Notify GSICS users and invite feedback from them.
    • Who: GCC Director
    • Due: As soon as routine upload is completed and the file retention policy is resolved.
  4. Complete documents associated with GPAF Sections III.1.B (ATBD) and III.1.C (product traceability to standards) and submit them to the GCC Director.
    • Who: Product provider
    • Due: Three months after entering the Demonstration phase
  5. Examine the submitted documents (ATBD and product traceability to standards).
    • Who: GPAT and product users
    • Due: One month after GCC received the documents
  6. Remediate any document issues according to the GPAT and user feedback.
    • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
    • Due: One month after receiving GPAT feedback
  7. Complete documents associated with GPAF Sections III.2.A (radiative transfer models) and III.2.B (cal/val supporting measurements).
    • Who: Product provider
    • Due: Six months after entering the Demonstration phase
  8. Collect and disseminate user feedback regarding product's data usability and format
    • Who: Product users, GCC Director
    • Due: Six months after entering the Demonstration phase
  9. Examine the submitted documents (radiative transfer models and cal/val supporting measurements).
    • Who: GPAT
    • Due: One month after GCC received the documents
  10. Remediate any document or data issues according to the GPAT and user feedback.
    • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
    • Due: One month after receiving GPAT feedback
  11. [Major milestone] Make a consensus decision whether or not to continue the Product acceptance process.
    • Who: GPAT
    • Due: Two weeks after the remediation process ends for the documents regarding the radiative transfer models and cal/val supporting measurements
  12. Notify the Executive Panel on the status of the Product's acceptance process.
    • Who: GCC Director
    • Due: Two weeks following the GPAT decision on the Product's acceptance process.
  13. Complete and submit Section III.3.A (Product quality) of the GPAF.
    • Who: Product provider
    • Due: Ten months after entering the Demonstration phase
  14. Examine the submitted Product quality document.
    • Who: GPAT
    • Due: One month after GCC receives the document
  15. Remediate any document issues according to the GPAT feedback.
    • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
    • Due: One month after receiving GPAT feedback
  16. Once all issues are resolved, the Product enters the Pre-operational Phase.
    • Who: GCC Director in consultation with the GPAT
    • Due: Within one year of the product entering the Demonstration Phase

GPPA Exempt Clauses from Demo to Pre-Operational Phase

1. If insufficient feedback is received from the beta-testers outside the GSICS algorithm development community during one year test period, GCC will make the suggestion to the EP based on the GPAT's review comments. The product provider(s) should systematically seek external feedback.

2. In case of incomplete documentation that are not considered to jeopardize product quality, GCC will make the suggestion to the EP based on the GPAT and users‘ feedback. However, all the required documentations shall be completed and submitted for review purpose in the pre-operational phase.

Pre-operational Phase

  1. Send notification and GPAT Product recommendations to the Executive Panel regarding the Product.
    • Who: GCC Director
    • Due: Two weeks after the Product enters the Pre-operational Phase.
  2. Executive Panel review of the GPAT recommendations. Executive Panel feedback regarding the product sent to the GCC Director.
    • Who: GSICS Executive Panel
    • Due: Six weeks after being notified
  3. GCC Director notifies the Product provider about the Executive Panel feedback.
    • Who: GCC Director
    • Due: Two weeks after receiving feedback from the Executive Panel
  4. Complete documents associated with GPAF Sections III.2.C (Analysis software documentation), III.2.D (Product version control plan), III.3.B (operations and distribution plan), and III.3.C (data user's guide) and submit the documents to the GCC.
    • Who: Product provider
    • Due: Three months after entering the Pre-operational phase
  5. Examine the submitted documents (product version control plan, operations and distribution plan, and data user's guide).
    • Who: GPAT
    • Due: One month after GCC received the documents
  6. Remediate any documentation and overall product issues following the Executive Panel and GPAT feedback.
    • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
    • Due: One month after receiving feedback
  7. GPAT reviews the remediation material and decides if the requirements are now satisfied. Sends final recommendation to the GCC Director.
    • Who: GPAT and GCC Director
    • Due: Thee weeks following conclusion of the document remediation period.
  8. GCC Director notifies the Executive Panel that the product has satisfied all the requirements for entering the Operational Phase.
    • Who: GCC Director
    • Due: One week following the GPAT review.
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
GSICS_GCC_GPAF_V01.2.docdoc GSICS_GCC_GPAF_V01.2.doc manage 348.0 K 21 Jul 2011 - 13:14 RobertIacovazzi GSICS Product Acceptance Form
GSICS_GCC_GPERF_V01.0.docdoc GSICS_GCC_GPERF_V01.0.doc manage 148.5 K 05 Jan 2011 - 13:49 RobertIacovazzi GSICS Product External Review Form
GSICS_GCC_GPPA_V02.1.pdfpdf GSICS_GCC_GPPA_V02.1.pdf manage 226.0 K 21 Jul 2011 - 13:21 RobertIacovazzi GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance
Topic revision: r17 - 18 Oct 2012 - 20:24:09 - FangfangYu

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